\name{aqm.prepdata} \alias{aqm.prepdata} \alias{aqm.prepdata,ExpressionSet-method} \alias{aqm.prepdata,AffyBatch-method} \alias{aqm.prepdata,NChannelSet-method} \alias{aqm.prepdata,BeadLevelList-method} \alias{aqm.prepdata,aqmOneCol-method} \title{ Generate an object aqmobj.prepdata to be called by the aqm functions. } \description{ \code{aqm.prepdata} formats an \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}, an \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}}, a \code{\link[Biobase:class.NChannelSet]{NChannelSet}}, or a \code{\link[beadarray:class-BeadLevelList]{BeadLevelList}} into a \code{\link{aqmobj.prepdata}} object which can be used as an input of the aqm functions.} \usage{ aqm.prepdata(expressionset, do.logtransform = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{expressionset}{ An object of class \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}} for one colour non Affymetrix data, \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} for Affymetrix data, \code{\link[Biobase:class.NChannelSet]{NChannelSet}} for two colour arrays, or \code{\link[beadarray:class-BeadLevelList]{BeadLevelList}} for Illumina bead arrays. } \item{do.logtransform}{ TRUE or FALSE whether or not you want to log transform the data.} } \value{ An object of class \code{\link{aqmobj.prepdata}}. } \author{ Audrey Kauffmann } \seealso{\code{\link{aqmobj.prepdata}}, \code{\link{aqm.boxplot}}, \code{\link{aqm.density}}, \code{\link{aqm.heatmap}}, \code{\link{aqm.maplot}}, \code{\link{aqm.meansd}}, \code{\link{aqm.probesmap}}, \code{\link{aqm.spatial}}, \code{\link{aqm.spatialbg}}} \examples{ ## Load an example of a NChannelSet library("CCl4") data("CCl4") ## Normalization of CCl4 using vsn library("vsn") CCl4norm = justvsn(CCl4, subsample=2000) ## Add a column in the phenoData to annotate samples cond = paste(pData(CCl4norm)$RIN.Cy3,pData(CCl4norm)$RIN.Cy5,sep="/") poor = grep(cond,pattern="2.5") medium = grep(cond,pattern="^5/|/5") good = grep(cond,pattern="9.7") cov = rep(0, length = nrow(pData(CCl4norm))) cov[good] = "Good" cov[medium] = "Medium" cov[poor] = "Poor" phenoData(CCl4norm)$RNAintegrity = cov ## Add X and Y columns in the featureData to allow spatial representations featureData(CCl4norm)$X = featureData(CCl4norm)$Row featureData(CCl4norm)$Y = featureData(CCl4norm)$Column ## Add a hasTarget column in the featureData to call aqm.probesmap featureData(CCl4norm)$hasTarget = (regexpr("^NM", featureData(CCl4norm)$Name)> 0) ## Prepare the data for aqm.xxx calls CCl4prep = aqm.prepdata(CCl4norm, do.logtransform = FALSE) ## Draw MA plots ma = aqm.maplot(dataprep = CCl4prep) class(ma) aqm.plot(ma) ## Draw heatmap making use of the RNAintegrity ## column of the phenoData hm = aqm.heatmap(expressionset = CCl4norm, dataprep = CCl4prep, intgroup = "RNAintegrity") class(hm) aqm.plot(hm) ## Draw probes mapping density curves making use of the hasTarget ## column of the featureData sp = aqm.spatial(expressionset = CCl4norm, dataprep = CCl4prep, scale = "Rank") class(sp) aqm.plot(sp) ## Draw probes mapping density curves making use of the hasTarget ## column of the featureData pm = aqm.probesmap(expressionset = CCl4norm, dataprep = CCl4prep) class(pm) aqm.plot(pm) }