\name{ksOutliers} \alias{ksOutliers} \title{Function for outlier determing potential outliers} \description{ \code{ksOutliers} determines potential outlier arrays based on the value of the \code{\link[stats:ks.test]{ks.test}} test statistic between each array and the pooled distribution of all arrays. } \usage{ksOutliers(x, subsamp = 300, theta = 2)} \arguments{ \item{x}{A matrix whose columns correspond to arrays, rows the array features.} \item{subsamp}{If \code{x} has more than \code{subsamp} rows, use only a random subsample of size \code{subsamp} for calling \code{\link[stats:ks.test]{ks.test}}.} \item{theta}{An array is called an outlier if its \code{\link{ks.test}} test statistic is more than \code{theta} standard deviations larger than the test statistics.} } \value{An integer vector of indices (see \code{\link[base:which]{which}}).} \details{ The function is very simple, have a look at its code. } \author{Wolfgang Huber } \seealso{\code{\link[stats:ks.test]{ks.test}}.}