\name{convert_aln_amino} \alias{convert_aln_amino} \title{ Converts an alignment object into binary amino matrix } \description{ Converts an alignment object, read in by the seqinr package, into a binary matrix. The binary matrix represents the absence or presence of amino acids at each position in the alignment } \usage{ convert_aln_amino(Alignment) } \arguments{ \item{Alignment}{ Alignment object read in using read.alignment function in seqinr } } \examples{ library(bgafun) LDH <- read.alignment(file = system.file("sequences/LDH-MDH-PF00056.fasta", package = "bgafun"), format = "fasta") LDH.amino=convert_aln_amino(LDH) dim(LDH.amino) } \keyword{IO}