\name{write_SYMBOLS} \alias{write_SYMBOLS} \title{Write a SYMBOLS file} \description{ Writes a DCF formatted file, SYMBOLS, containing the symbols exported by each package in a directory containg R package source directories. } \usage{ write_SYMBOLS(dir, verbose = FALSE, source.dirs=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{dir}{The root of a CRAN-style package repository containing source packages. When \code{source.dirs} is \code{TRUE}, \code{dir} should be a directory containing R package source directories} \item{verbose}{Logical. When \code{TRUE}, progress is printed to the standard output.} \item{source.dirs}{Logical. When \code{TRUE}, interpret \code{dir} as a directory containing source package directories. When \code{FALSE}, the default, \code{dir} is assumed to be the root of a CRAN-style package repository and the function will operate on the source package tarballs in \code{dir/src/contrib}.} } \value{ Returns \code{NULL}. Called for the side-effect of creating a SYMBOLS file in \code{dir}. } \author{S. Falcon} \seealso{ \code{\link[tools:writePACKAGES]{write_PACKAGES}} \code{\link{write_VIEWS}} } \keyword{utilities}