\name{plotPlateLibrary} \alias{plotPlateLibrary} \concept{library format} \title{Plate plot of the raw data of the four consecutive 96-well plates of a given 384-well plate} \description{ Given a \code{cellHTS} object with data from an assay where every set of four consecutive 96-well plates was combined into a 384-well plate, this function plots the raw intensities of a chosen 384-well assay plate distributed according to the 96-well plate format. } \usage{ plotPlateLibrary(x, whichPlate = 1, whichChannel = 1, plotSd = TRUE, plotPlateArgs) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a cellHTS object containing the slot \code{libPlate} with the 96-well plate identifiers (see \code{\link[cellHTS:getLibraryPlate]{getLibraryPlate}}).} \item{whichPlate}{a number indicating the 384-well plate that we want to examine. (By default, it considers the first plate, \code{whichPlate = 1}).} \item{whichChannel}{a number indicating the channel that we want to consider. (By default, the first channel is considered: \code{whichChannel = 1})} \item{plotSd}{a logical value indicating whether the standard deviation across replicates should be plotted (default is \code{plotSd = TRUE}.} \item{plotPlateArgs}{optional argument. If given, should be a list with parameters for the plate plots. See details.} } \details{ The cellHTS object \code{x} contains data from a screening experiment where every set of four consecutive 96-well plates was combined into a 384-well plate. The plate identifiers for the 96-well plates are given in the slot \code{libPlate}, obtained by \code{\link[cellHTS:getLibraryPlate]{getLibraryPlate}}. Given the channel specified by \code{whichChannel} and the 384-well plate number \code{whichPlate}, the function plots the raw intensities for each replicate in both the 96-well and the 384-well plate format. If \code{plotSd = TRUE}, the standard deviation across replicates is also plotted. The following elements are recognized for \code{plotPlateArgs} and passed on to \code{\link[prada]{plotPlate}}: \code{sdcol}, the color scheme for the standard deviation plate plot, \code{sdrange}, the sd range to which the colors are mapped, \code{xcol}, the color scheme for the intensity plate plot, \code{xrange}, the intensity range to which the colors are mapped. If an element is not specified, default values are used. } \seealso{ \code{\link[prada:plotPlate]{plotPlate}}, \code{\link[cellHTS:getLibraryPlate]{getLibraryPlate}} } \author{Ligia Braz \email{ligia@ebi.ac.uk}} \examples{ data(KcViabSmall) x <- getLibraryPlate(KcViabSmall) plotPlateLibrary(x, whichPlate=2, plotSd=TRUE) } \keyword{manip}