\name{designs.basic} \alias{designs.basic} \docType{data} \title{Basic designs for two-colour factorial 3 x 2 microarray data} \description{ A list of matrices describing basic designs for two-colour factorial microarray data of size 3 x 2. Matrix rows represent microarrays, matrix columns represent parameters. } \usage{data(designs.basic)} \format{ List of matrices of size 6 x 9. } \details{ The designs are abbreviated as in the paper (cf. source and references): BS - swap over B, AL - A loop, XL - crossed loop, CL - circle loop, RS - star swap, TL - triangular loop, CR - common reference. } \source{ cDNA microarray lab of the University of Goettingen, Germany. \url{http://www.microarrays.med.uni-goettingen.de} } \keyword{datasets}