\name{getKEGGdata} \alias{getKEGGdata} \title{Fetch KEGG annotations and InterPro domains} \description{ Get all available KEGG annotations and InterPro domains for a set of entrezgene identifiers from the \code{KEGG} annotation package and from the ensembl \code{biomaRt}. } \usage{ getKEGGdata(universe=NULL, pathways=NULL, ensemblMart="hsapiens_gene_ensembl") } \arguments{ \item{universe}{Character vector of entrezgene identifiers. This is the global universe of genes to test against.} \item{pathways}{Optional character vector of KEGG pathway identifiers. This can be used in order to test for over-representation of only a subset of all the available KEGG pathways. } \item{ensemblMart}{Character giving the type of \emph{Biomart} to use. Defaults to \emph{Human Ensembl}.} } \details{ This function is a wrapper around the \code{KEGG} annotation package and a customized query of the ensembl \code{biomaRt} database. For the gene identifiers in \code{universe} and all or a selection of KEGG pathways it will fetch the necessary information and create an object of class \code{ipDataSource} which can later be used as input to \code{\link{gseDomain}} } \value{ An object of class \code{ipDataSource}. } \author{Florian Hahne} \seealso{\code{\link{gseDomain}}} \examples{ getKEGGdata() } \keyword{IO}