\name{gseDomain} \alias{gseDomain} \title{Geneset enrichment based on InterPro domain signatures} \description{ Compute the similarity to pathways specified trough \code{dataSource} for a set of entrezgene identifiers. } \usage{ gseDomain(dataSource, geneset, n=10000, verbose=TRUE, samples=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{dataSource}{Object of class \code{ipDataSource} containing pathway and InterPro domain mappings} \item{geneset}{Character vector of entrezgene identifiers} \item{n}{Number of subsampling iterations} \item{verbose}{Toggle progress report} \item{samples}{Logical indicating whether to return the similarity measures for all the resamples.} } \details{ Use this function to compute p-values for similarity of the domain signature of a gene set to all signatures of the pathways defined in \code{dataSource}. You should have created \code{dataSource} using either function \code{\link{dataSource}} or \code{\link{getKEGGdata}}. } \value{ A list with items \item{similarity }{Named vector of similarity measures for each pathway} \item{pvalue }{The p-values of similarity to each pathway. A named vector.} and optional item (if \code{samples=TRUE}) \item{dist }{A named list containing similarity measures for all the resamples} } \author{Florian Hahne} \seealso{\code{\link{gseDomain}}} \examples{ ## see Vignette of this package for examples how to use this function } \keyword{manip}