\name{ipDataSource-class} \docType{class} \alias{ipDataSource-class} \alias{ipDataSource} \alias{show,ipDataSource-method} \title{A class to store mapping information between genes, pathways and interPro domains} \description{This class represents the data necessary to run \code{\link{gseDomain}}} \section{Creating Objects}{ Objects can be created using\cr \code{ new('ipDataSource',}\cr \code{ genes = ...., # Object of class character}\cr \code{ pathways = .... # Object of class character}\cr \code{ domains = .... # Object of class character}\cr \code{ gene2Domains = .... # Object of class environment}\cr \code{ path2Domains = .... # Object of class environment}\cr \code{ type = ...., # Object of class character}\cr \code{ )}\cr or the functions \code{\link{dataSource}} or \code{\link{getKEGGdata}}.} \section{Slots}{\describe{ \item{\code{genes}:}{Vector of unique entrezgene identifiers} \item{\code{pathways}:}{Vector of unique pathway identifiers} \item{\code{domains}:}{Vector of unique InterPro identifiers} \item{\code{gene2Domains}:}{Hash table mapping entrezgene IDs to Interpro IDs} \item{\code{path2Domains}:}{Hash table mapping pathway IDs to InterPro IDs} \item{\code{type}:}{Type of pathway. A character skalar} \item{\code{dims}:}{Numeric vector of dimensions} }} \section{Methods}{\describe{ \item{show}{display summary.} }} \details{ You should always create these objects using either one of the functions \code{\link{dataSource}} or \code{\link{getKEGGdata}}. } \author{Florian Hahne} \seealso{\code{\link{dataSource}} or \code{\link{getKEGGdata}} } \keyword{classes}