\name{bg.adjust.affinities} \alias{bg.adjust.affinities} \alias{bg.adjust.mm} \alias{bg.adjust.fullmodel} \alias{bg.adjust.constant} \alias{bg.adjust.optical} \title{Background adjustment with sequence information (internal function)} \description{ An internal function to be used by \code{\link{gcrma}}. } \usage{ bg.adjust.fullmodel(pms,mms,ncs=NULL,apm,amm,anc=NULL,index.affinities,k=6 * fast + 0.25 * (1 - fast),rho=.7,fast=FALSE) bg.adjust.affinities(pms,ncs,apm,anc,index.affinities,k=6 * fast + 0.25 * (1 - fast),fast=FALSE,nomm=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{pms}{PM intensities after optical background correction, before non-specific-binding correction.} \item{mms}{MM intensities after optical background correction, before non-specific-binding correction.} \item{ncs}{Negative control probe intensities after optical background correction, before non-specific-binding correction. If \code{ncs=NULL}, the MM probes are considered the negative control probes.} \item{index.affinities}{The index of pms with known sequences. (For some types of arrays the sequences of a small subset of probes are not provided by Affymetrix.)} \item{apm}{Probe affinities for PM probes with known sequences.} \item{amm}{Probe affinities for MM probes with known sequences.} \item{anc}{Probe affinities for Negative control probes with known sequences. This is ignored when \code{ncs=NULL}.} \item{rho}{correlation coefficient of log background intensity in a pair of pm/mm probes. Default=.7} \item{k}{A tuning parameter. See details.} % \item{Q}{A number between 0 and 1 that determines what quantile to use % as an estimate of the mean background noise.} \item{fast}{Logical value. If \code{TRUE} a faster add-hoc algorithm is used.} \item{nomm}{Logical value indicating if MM intensities are available and will to be used to estimate background.} } \details{Assumes PM=background1+signal,mm=background2, (log(background1),log(background2))' follow bivariate normal distribution, signal distribution follows power law. \code{bg.parameters.gcrma} and \code{sg.parameters.gcrma} provide adhoc estimates of the parameters. the original gcrma uses an empirical Bayes estimate. this requires a complicated numerical integration. An add-hoc method tries to imitate the empirical Bayes estimate with a PM-B but values of PM-B<\code{k} going to \code{k}. This can be thought as a shrunken MVUE. For more details see Wu et al. (2003). } \value{a vector of same length as x.} \seealso{\code{\link{gcrma}}} \author{Rafeal Irizarry, Zhijin(Jean) Wu} \keyword{manip}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS