\name{genMerge} \alias{genMerge} \title{genMerge: Post-Genomic Analysis} \description{ After we finished our slice analysis we get a up-regulated and down-regulated set. This will be the set of study genes for genMege. Given this set, genMerge retrieves functional genomic data for each gene and provides statistical rank scores for over-representation of particular functions in the dataset. } \usage{ genMerge(gene.association, description, population.genes, study.genes, output.file = "GenMerge.txt") } \arguments{ \item{gene.association}{The gene-association file links gene names with a particular datum of information using a shorthand of gene-association IDS} \item{description}{The description file contains human-readable description of gene-association IDS} \item{population.genes}{Set of all genes detected on a array} \item{study.genes}{Set of genes may be those that are up-regulated or down-regulated or both of them.} \item{output.file}{The name of output file that includes all results obtained after this analisys.} } \note{This function is completly based on GeneMerge from Cristian I. Castillo-Davis and Daniel L. Hartl} \references{ Cristian I. Castillo-Davis Department of Statistics Harvard University \url{http://www.oeb.harvard.edu/hartl/lab/publications/GeneMerge} } \keyword{math}