\name{read.dataset} \alias{read.dataset} \title{Read Dataset from File} \description{ Read all file and extract the interested columns to create a DataSet object (this file contain the zscore with all the genes after the duplicates filtering and makes not distinction between up-regulated and down-regulated. If you want to make this distinction you must write the data with the function write.dataSet, but there is no way to read this files with this function). } \usage{ read.dataset(file.name, cy3 = 1, cy5 = 2, ids = 3, symdesc = NULL, zscore = 4, type = 6, header = FALSE, sep = "\t") } \arguments{ \item{file.name}{a connection or a character string giving the name of the file to read where each column represent the dataset components.} \item{cy3}{column that represent Cy3.} \item{cy5}{column that represent Cy5.} \item{ids}{column that represent Id.} \item{symdesc}{optional identifier besides Id column.} \item{zscore}{column that represent the zscore value.} \item{type}{column that represent if the experiment was performed as R vs I or M vs A.} \item{header}{the logical value of the header input file} \item{sep}{the separator in the inputfile} } \seealso{ \code{\link{write.zscore}}. } \keyword{file}