\name{init.Para.CNA} \docType{data} \alias{init.Para.CNA} \title{ Initial parameters for the HMM } \description{ a list of initial values for the parameters of genoCNA. } \usage{ data(init.Para.CNA) } \format{ The format is a list of 16 items \itemize{ \item{pi.r}{ a vector of length N, where N is the number of states. pi.r[j] is the prior probability of the uniform component of log R ratio for state j } \item{mu.r}{ a vector of length N, where N is the number of states. mu.r[j] is mean value of the normal component of log R ratio for state j } \item{sd.r}{ a vector of length N, where N is the number of states. sd.r[j] is standard deviation of the normal component of log R ratio for state j } \item{mu.r.upper, mu.r.lower}{ two vectors of the same size of mu.r, indicating the upper/lower bound of mu.r } \item{sd.r.upper, sd.r.lower}{ two vectors of the same size of sd.r, indicating the upper/lower bound of sd.r } \item{pi.b}{ a vector of length N, where N is the number of states. pi.b[j] is the prior probability of the uniform component of B allele frequency for state j } \item{mu.b}{ a matrix of N*M, where N is the number of states, and M is the maximum number of components of each states. mu.b[i,j] indicates the mean value of the j-th component of the i-th state } \item{sd.b}{ a matrix of the same size of mu.b, specifying the standard deviations } \item{mu.b.upper, mu.b.lower}{ two matrices of the same size of mu.b, incating the upper/lower bound of mu.b } \item{sd.b.upper, sd.b.lower}{ two matrices of the same size of sd.b, indicating the upper/lower bound of sd.b } \item{trans.m}{ transition probability matrix of size N*N. The diagonal elements are not used. } \item{trans.begin}{ a matrix of size S*N, where S is the number of chromosomes, and N is the number of states. trans.begin[s,] are the state probabilities for the fist probe of the s-th chromosome. By default, we assume there is only one chromosome, therefore it is a matrix of 1*N.} }} \examples{ data(init.Para.CNA) } \keyword{datasets}