\name{snpData} \alias{snpData} \docType{data} \title{ Simulated LRR and BAF data for 17,348 SNPs on chromosome 22. } \description{ Simulated LRR and BAF data for 17,348 SNPs on chromosome 22. Two CNVs are simulated. One is from the 1001-th probe to the 1100-th probe, with copy number 1. The other one is from the 10,001-th probe to the 10,200-th probe, with copy number 3. } \usage{data(snpData)} \format{ A data frame with 17,348 observations on the following 3 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{Name}}{a character vector of probe Names} \item{\code{LRR}}{a numeric vector of LRR values of each probe} \item{\code{BAF}}{a numeric vector of BAF of each probe} } } \examples{ data(snpData) data(snpInfo) dim(snpData) dim(snpInfo) snpData[1:2,] snpInfo[1:2,] plotCN(pos=snpInfo$Position, LRR=snpData$LRR, BAF=snpData$BAF, main = "simulated data on Chr22") } \keyword{datasets}