\name{trimAdapter} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{trimAdapter} \title{Remove 3' adapter contamination} \description{ Function to remove 3' adapter contamination from reads } \usage{ trimAdapter(fq, adapter, match.score = 1, mismatch.score = -1, score.threshold = 2) } \arguments{ \item{fq}{Object of class \code{ShortReadQ}; the reads with possible adapter contamination.} \item{adapter}{object of class \code{DNAString} or class \code{character}; the sequence of the 3' adapter which could give rise to the 3' contamination. If of class \code{character}, it is converted to a \code{DNAString} inside the function.} \item{match.score}{numeric; alignment score for matching bases} \item{mismatch.score}{numeric; alignment score for mismatches} \item{score.threshold}{numeric; minimum total alignment score required for an overlap match between the 3' end of the read and the 5' end of the adapter sequence.} } \details{ Performs an overlap alignment between the ends of the reads and the start of the adapter sequence. } \note{ The function \code{trimLRPatterns} from package \code{ShortRead} may be a faster alternative to this function. } \value{ An object of class \code{ShortReadQ} containing the reads without the 3' adapter contamination. } \author{J. Toedling} \seealso{\code{\link[Biostrings]{pairwiseAlignment}}, \code{\link[IRanges]{narrow}}, \code{\link[ShortRead]{readFastq}}, \code{\link[ShortRead]{writeFastq}} } \examples{ exDir <- system.file("extdata", package="girafe") ## load reads containing adapter fragments at the end ra23.wa <- readFastq(dirPath=exDir, pattern= "aravinSRNA_23_plus_adapter_excerpt.fastq") table(width(ra23.wa)) # adapter sequence obtained from GEO page # accession number: GSE10364 #adapter <- DNAString("CTGTAGGCACCATCAAT") adapter <- "CTGTAGGCACCATCAAT" # trim adapter ra23.na <- trimAdapter(ra23.wa, adapter) table(width(ra23.na)) } \keyword{manip}