\name{expandedProfile} \alias{expandedProfile} \title{Builds expanded profiles} \description{ Expanded profiles are used mainly for comparison of profiles based on the theory developed by Sanchez et al (2007) (see references)} \usage{ expandedProfile(genelist, idType = "Entrez", onto = "ANY", level = 2,orgPackage=NULL, anotPackage=NULL, multilevels = NULL, ord = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE, percentage = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{genelist}{List of genes on which the Profile has to be based} \item{idType}{Type of identifiers for the genes. Use 'Entrez' preferably} \item{onto}{Ontology on which the profile has to be built} \item{level}{Level of the ontology at which the profile has to be built} \item{orgPackage}{Name of a Bioconductor's organism annotations package ('org.Xx-eg-db'). This field must be provided if the gene list passed to the function is either a character vector of 'Entrez' (NCBI) identifiers or a character vector of probe names} \item{anotPackage}{Name of Bioconductor annotations package. This field must be provided if the gene list passed to the function is a character vector of probe names} \item{ord}{Set to 'TRUE' if the profile has to appear ordered by the category names} \item{multilevels}{If it is not NULL it must be a vector of GO categories that defines the level at where the profile is built} \item{na.rm}{Set to 'TRUE' if NAs should be removed} \item{percentage}{Set to 'TRUE' if the profile must be built using percentages} } \value{ An object of class GOProfile containing an expanded profile} \details{ The function admits three types of entries: Entrez ('Entrez'), Bioconductor probe set names ('BioCprobes') or a special type of data frames ('GOTermsFrames'). If the identifier type are 'BioCprobes' then an annotation package name must be provided too. } \references{Sanchez-Pla, A., Salicru, M. and Ocana, J. Statistical methods for the analysis of high-throughput data based on functional profiles derived from the gene ontology. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Volume 137, Issue 12, Pages 3975-3989, 2007. } \author{Alex Sanchez} \seealso{basicProfile} \examples{ data(CD4Ids) CD4.Expanded <-expandedProfile(genelist=CD4LLids[1:50], onto='MF', level=2, orgPackage="org.Hs.eg.db") } \keyword{htest}