\name{hexplom} \title{Hexbin Plot Matrices} \alias{hexplom} \alias{hexplom.formula} \alias{hexplom.data.frame} \alias{hexplom.matrix} \alias{panel.hexplom} \usage{ hexplom(x, data, \dots) \method{hexplom}{formula}(x, data = NULL, \dots) \method{hexplom}{data.frame}(x, data = NULL, \dots, groups = NULL, subset = TRUE) \method{hexplom}{matrix}(x, data = NULL, \dots, groups = NULL, subset = TRUE) panel.hexplom(\dots) } \description{ \code{hexplom} draws Conditional Hexbin Plot Matrices. It is similar to \code{splom}, expect that the default display is different. Specifically, the default display is created using \code{panel.hexplom}, which is an alias for \code{panel.hexbinplot}. } \arguments{ \item{x}{ The object on which method dispatch is carried out. For the \code{"formula"} method, a formula describing the structure of the plot, which should be of the form \code{~ x | g1 * g2 * \dots}, where \code{x} is a data frame or matrix. Each of \code{g1, g2, \dots} must be either factors or shingles. The conditioning variables \code{g1, g2, \dots} may be omitted. For the \code{data.frame} and \code{matrix} methods, a data frame or matrix as appropriate. } \item{data}{ For the \code{formula} method, an optional data frame in which variables in the formula (as well as \code{groups} and \code{subset}, if any) are to be evaluated. By default, the environment where the function was called from is used. } \item{groups, subset, \dots}{ see \code{\link[lattice]{splom}}. The non-standard evaluation of \code{groups} and \code{subset} only applies in the \code{formula} method. Apart from arguments that apply to \code{splom} (many of which are only documented in \code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}}), additional arguments meant for \code{panel.hexplom} (which is an alias for \code{\link{panel.hexbinplot}}) may also be supplied. Such arguments may include ones that control details of the hexbin calculations, documented in \code{\link{gplot.hexbin}}} } \value{ An object of class \code{"trellis"}. The \code{\link[lattice:update.trellis]{update}} method can be used to update components of the object and the \code{\link[lattice:print.trellis]{print}} method (usually called by default) will plot it on an appropriate plotting device. } \seealso{ \code{\link[lattice]{splom}}, \code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}}, \code{\link[hexbin]{hexbinplot}}, \code{\link[lattice]{Lattice}}, \code{\link[lattice]{panel.pairs}} } \author{ Deepayan Sarkar \email{Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org}, Nicholas Lewin-Koh \email{nikko@hailmail.net}} \examples{ ## Simple hexplom data(NHANES) hexplom(~NHANES[,7:14], xbins=15) ## With colors and conditioning hexplom(~NHANES[,9:13] | Sex, data = NHANES, xbins = 15, colramp = magent) ## With custom panel function hexplom(NHANES[,9:13], xbins = 20,colramp = BTY, upper.panel = panel.hexboxplot) } \keyword{hplot}