\name{pushHexport} \alias{pushHexport} \title{Push a Hexagon Viewport ("hexVP")} \description{ Push a Hexagon Viewport (\code{"hexVP"}, see \link{hexVP-class}) on to the tree of (grid) viewports, calling \code{\link[grid:viewports]{pushViewport}}. } \usage{ pushHexport(hvp, clip = "off") } \arguments{ \item{hvp}{a hexagon viewport, i.e., an object of class \code{"hexVP"}, see \link{hexVP-class}, typically produced by \code{\link{hexViewport}(..)}.} \item{clip}{which viewport to push, either 'on' or 'off' are the allowed arguments, see details.} } \seealso{the underlying \code{\link[grid:viewports]{pushViewport}} from the \pkg{grid} package. } \details{ A hexagon viewport (\code{"hexVP"}) object has slots for two replicate viewports one with clipping turned on and one with clipping off. This allows toggling the clipping option. } %\examples{ %} \keyword{dplot}