\name{summarizeWells} \alias{summarizeWells} \title{Summarize cell features} \description{ Compute phenotypic profiles by summarizing cell population features. } \usage{ summarizeWells(x, uname, featurePar, access='cache') } \arguments{ \item{x}{An imageHTS object.} \item{uname}{A character vector, containing the well names to summarize. See \code{getUnames} for details.} \item{featurePar}{A character string, indicating the filename containing the feature extraction parameters.} \item{access}{A character string indicating how to access the data. Valid values are \code{local}, \code{server} and \code{cache}, the default. See \code{fileHTS} for details.} } \value{ A data frame, containing the phenotypic profiles. } \details{ \code{summarizeWells} computes for each well, summary statistics about cell features. Currently, cell number \code{n} and median cell feature \code{med.*} (for each feature) are computed. Moreover, if the DCF segmentation parameters file pointed by \code{featurePar} includes the field \code{cell.classes}, containing a list of comma-separated cell classes, cell classes ratio are computed and included in the phenotypic profiles. \code{summarizeWells} creates the file \code{data/profiles.tab} which contains the phenotypic profiles. Use \code{readHTS} to read this file. } \seealso{ \code{\link{extractFeatures}}, \code{\link{readHTS}} } \author{ Gregoire Pau, \email{gregoire.pau@embl.de}, 2010 } \examples{ \dontrun{ ## initialize imageHTS object using the local submorph screen local = tempdir() server = system.file('submorph', package='imageHTS') x = parseImageConf('conf/imageconf.txt', localPath=local, serverURL=server) x = configure(x, 'conf/description.txt', 'conf/plateconf.txt', 'conf/screenlog.txt') ## segment non-empty wells unames = setdiff(getUnames(x), getUnames(x, content='empty')) segmentWells(x, uname=unames, segmentationPar='conf/segmentationpar.txt') ## extract features extractFeatures(x, uname=unames, 'conf/featurepar.txt') ## cell classification readLearnTS(x, 'conf/featurepar.txt', 'conf/trainingset.txt') predictCellLabels(x, unames) ## summarize features summarizeWells(x, unames, 'conf/featurepar.txt') ## get profiles profiles = readHTS(x, type='file', filename='data/profiles.tab', format='tab') } }