\name{detect.responses} \alias{detect.responses} \title{detect.responses} \description{ Main function of the NetResponse algorithm. Detecting network responses across the conditions. } \usage{detect.responses(datamatrix, network, initial.responses = 1, max.responses = 10, max.subnet.size = 20, rseed = 123, verbose = TRUE, prior.alpha = 1, prior.alphaKsi = 0.01, prior.betaKsi = 0.01, update.hyperparams = 0, implicit.noise = 0, threshold = 1.0e-5, ite = Inf)} \value{NetResponseModel object.} \references{Leo Lahti et al.: Global modeling of transcriptional responses in interaction networks. Bioinformatics (2010).} \author{Leo Lahti, Olli-Pekka Huovilainen and Antonio Gusmao. Maintainer: Leo Lahti } \arguments{ \item{datamatrix}{ Matrix of samples x features. For example, gene expression matrix with conditions on the rows, and genes on the columns. The matrix contains same features than the 'network' object, characterizing the network states across the different samples. } \item{network}{Binary matrix that describes pairwise interactions between the features of 'datamatrix'. This defines a network.} \item{initial.responses}{Initial number of components for each subnetwork model. Used to initialize calculations.} \item{max.responses }{Maximum number of responses for each subnetwork. Can be used to limit the potential number of network states.} \item{max.subnet.size}{Numeric. Maximum allowed subnetwork size.} \item{rseed}{Numeric. Random seed. } \item{verbose}{Logical. Verbose parameter.} \item{implicit.noise}{Implicit noise parameter. Add implicit noise to vdp mixture model. Can help to avoid overfitting to local optima, if this appears to be a problem.} \item{update.hyperparams}{ Logical. Indicate whether to update hyperparameters during modeling.} \item{prior.alpha, prior.alphaKsi, prior.betaKsi}{Prior parameters for Gaussian mixture model that is calculated for each subnetwork (normal-inverse-Gamma prior). alpha tunes the mean; alphaKsi and betaKsi are the shape and scale parameters of the inverse Gamma function, respectively.} \item{threshold}{Minimal free energy improvement after which the algorithm is deemed converged. Used to define convergence limit.} \item{ite}{Defines maximum number of iterations on posterior update (updatePosterior). Increasing this can potentially lead to more accurate results, but computation may take longer.} } \examples{ library(netresponse) data( toydata ) # Load toy data set D <- toydata$emat # Response matrix (for example, gene expression) netw <- toydata$netw # Network # Run NetReponse algorithm model <- detect.responses(D, netw, verbose = FALSE) } \keyword{ methods } \keyword{ iteration }