\name{get.model.parameters} \alias{get.model.parameters} \title{get.model.parameters} \description{Retrieve the mixture model parameters of the NetResponse algorithm for a given subnetwork.} \usage{ get.model.parameters(model, subnet.id, level = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{model}{Result from NetResponse (detect.responses function).} \item{ subnet.id }{Subnet identifier. A natural number which specifies one of the subnetworks within the 'model' object.} \item{level}{ Agglomeration level to investigate. The agglomerative algorithm grows the subnetworks step-by-step. This option can be used to select a specific step during the learning process. Will be included in the next version. } } \value{ A list with the following elements: \item{mu}{ Centroids for the mixture components. Components x nodes.} \item{sd}{ Standard deviations for the mixture components. A vector over the nodes for each component, implying the diagonal covariance matrix of the model (i.e. diag(std^2)). Components x nodes} \item{w}{Vector of component weights.} \item{nodes}{List of nodes in the subnetwork.} \item{K}{Number of mixture components.} } \details{Only the non-empty components are returned. Note: the original data matrix needs to be provided for function call separately.} \references{Leo Lahti et al.: Global modeling of transcriptional responses in interaction networks. Bioinformatics (2010).} \author{Leo Lahti } \examples{ # Load toy data data( toydata ) # Load toy data set D <- toydata$emat # Response matrix (for example, gene expression) model <- toydata$model # Pre-calculated model # Get model parameters for a given subnet # (Gaussian mixture: mean, covariance diagonal, mixture proportions) get.model.parameters(model, subnet.id = 1) } \keyword{utilities}