\name{result.stats} \alias{result.stats} \title{result.stats} \description{ Subnetwork statistics: size and number of distinct responses for each subnet. } \usage{ result.stats( model, level ) } \arguments{ \item{model}{ Result from NetResponse (detect.responses function). } \item{level}{ Agglomeration level to investigate. The agglomerative algorithm grows the subnetworks step-by-step. This option can be used to select a specific step during the learning process. Will be included in the next version. } } \value{ A 'subnetworks x properties' data frame containing the following elements. \item{subnet.size: }{ Vector of subnetwork sizes. } \item{subnet.responses: }{ Vector giving the number of responses in each subnetwork. } } \references{Leo Lahti et al.: Global modeling of transcriptional responses in interaction networks. Bioinformatics (2010).} \author{Leo Lahti, Olli-Pekka Huovilainen and Antonio Gusmao. Maintainer: Leo Lahti } \examples{ library(netresponse) # Load a pre-calculated netresponse model obtained with # model <- detect.responses(toydata$emat, toydata$netw, verbose = FALSE) data( toydata ) model <- toydata$model # netresponse model D <- toydata$emat # data matrix # Calculate summary statistics for the model stat <- result.stats(model) } \keyword{utilities}