\name{pa.calls} \alias{pa.calls} \title{Presence-Absence Calls from Negative Strand Matching Probesets} \description{ Function to make gene presence/absence calls based on distance from empirical distribution of chip-specific negative strand matching probesets (NSMP). } \usage{ pa.calls(object, looseCutoff = 0.02, tightCutoff = 0.01, verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an ExpressionSet object (result of running expression-generating function, like expresso(), rma(), mas5(), etc.) Currently, this must be of chip type HGU133A or HGU133 Plus 2.0} \item{looseCutoff}{the larger P-value cutoff (see details)} \item{tightCutoff}{the smaller, more strict P-value cutoff} \item{verbose}{logical. If 'TRUE' detailed progress messages are reported.} } \details{The function calculates a matrix of P-values for the expression values in the input ExpressionSet. P-values are calculated based on the empirical survivor function (1-CDF) of the set of negative probesets identified by Affymetrix as negative strand matching probesets (NSMP) with no cross hybridization. These probesets are therefore assumed to show nothing but background/machine noise plus some occasional non-specific binding. The P-value returned for any probeset expression value in ExpressionSet is the value of the NSMP survivor function for that expression level. Presence/Absence calls are derived by applying the two cutoff values to the matrix of P-values for all genes in the ExpressionSet, as follows: \describe{ \item{Present ('P')}{P-values <= tightCutoff} \item{Absent ('A')}{P-values > looseCutoff} \item{Marginal ('M')}{P-values between tightCutoff and looseCutoff} } } \value{ \item{list}{a new list containing two matrices: Pcalls and Pvals, as follows:} \item{Pcalls }{a matrix of Presence (P), Marginal (M), Absent (A) indicators} \item{Pvals }{a matrix of P-values. Each data point is the P-value for the expr at the same x, y coordinates. } } \note{NSMP sets have been established for the HGU133A and HGU133-Plus-2.0 chipsets to date. Hence only these two are currently supported by PANP.} \references{Warren, P., Bienkowska, J., Martini, P., Jackson, J., and Taylor, D., PANP - a New Method of Gene Detection on Oligonucleotide Expression Arrays (2007), in preparation} \author{Peter Warren} \examples{ ## Load example ExpressionSet data(gcrma.ExpressionSet) ## Generate Pvals and Pcalls matrices from ExpressionSet, using default cutoffs PA <- pa.calls(gcrma.ExpressionSet) ## to access the Pcalls and Pvals: myPcalls <- PA$Pcalls myPvals <- PA$Pvals } \keyword{manip}