\name{BPCA_initmodel} \alias{BPCA_initmodel} \title{Initialize BPCA model} \usage{BPCA_initmodel(y, components)} \description{Model initialization for Bayesian PCA. This function is NOT inteded to be run separately!} \details{The function calculates the initial Eigenvectors by use of SVD from the complete rows. The data structure M is created and initial values are assigned.} \value{List containing \item{rows}{Row number of input matrix} \item{cols}{Column number of input matrix} \item{comps}{Number of components to use} \item{yest}{(working variable) current estimate of complete data} \item{row_miss}{(Array) Indizes of rows containing missing values} \item{row_nomiss}{(Array) Indices of complete rows (such with no missing values)} \item{nans}{Matrix of same size as input data. TRUE if \code{input == NA}, false otherwise} \item{mean}{Column wise data mean} \item{PA}{ (d x k) Estimated principal axes (eigenvectors, loadings) The matrix ROWS are the vectors} \item{tau}{Estimated precision of the residual error} \item{scores}{ Estimated scores} Further elements are: galpha0, balpha0, alpha, gmu0, btau0, gtau0, SigW. These are working variables or constants.} \author{Wolfram Stacklies} \arguments{\item{y}{numeric matrix containing missing values. Missing values are denoted as 'NA'} \item{components}{Number of components used for estimation}}