\name{fitted.pcaRes} \title{Extract fitted values from PCA.} \usage{fitted.pcaRes(object, data, nPcs=nP(object), pre=TRUE, post=TRUE, ...)} \description{Fitted values of a PCA model} \details{This function extracts the fitted values from a pcaResobject. For PCA methods like SVD, Nipals, PPCA etc this is basically just the scores multipled by the loadings and adjusted for pre-processing. for non-linear PCA the original data is propagated through the network to obtain the approximated data.} \value{A matrix representing the fitted data} \keyword{multivariate} \alias{fitted.pcaRes} \author{Henning Redestig} \arguments{\item{object}{the \code{pcaRes} object of interest.} \item{data}{For standard PCA methods this can safely be left null to get scores x loadings but if set, then the scores are obtained by projecting provided data onto the loadings. If data contains missing values the result will be all NA. Non-linear PCA is an exception, here if data is NULL then data is set to the completeObs and propaged through the network.} \item{nPcs}{The number of PC's to consider} \item{pre}{pre-process \code{data} based on the pre-processing chosen for the PCA model} \item{post}{unpre-process the final data (add the center back etc to get the final estimate)} \item{...}{Not used}} \examples{pc <- pca(iris[,1:4], nPcs=4, center=TRUE, scale="uv") sum( (fitted(pc) - iris[,1:4])^2 )}