\name{nni} \alias{nni} \title{Nearest neighbour imputation} \usage{nni(object, method=c("llsImpute"), subset=numeric(), ...)} \description{Wrapper function for imputation methods based on nearest neighbour clustering. Currently llsImpute only.} \details{This method is wrapper function to llsImpute, See documentation for \code{link{llsImpute}}.} \value{A \code{clusterRes} object. Or a list containing a clusterRes object as first and an ExpressionSet object as second entry if the input was of type ExpressionSet.} \seealso{\code{\link{llsImpute}}, \code{\link{pca}}} \keyword{multivariate} \author{Wolfram Stacklies} \arguments{\item{object}{Numerical matrix with (or an object coercible to such) with samples in rows and variables as columns. Also takes \code{ExpressionSet} in which case the transposed expression matrix is used.} \item{method}{For convenience one can pass a large matrix but only use the variable specified as subset. Can be colnames or indices.} \item{subset}{Currently "llsImpute" only.} \item{...}{Further arguments to the chosen method.}} \examples{data(metaboliteData) llsRes <- nni(metaboliteData, k=6, method="llsImpute", allGenes=TRUE)}