\name{getImat} \alias{getImat} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Generate an indicator matrix} \description{ This function is used to generate an indicator matrix as an input to the pcot2 function. The gene category indicator matrix indicates presence or absence of genes in pre-defined gene sets (e.g., gene pathways). The indicator matrix contains rows representing gene identifiers of genes present in the expression data and columns representing pre-defined group names. A value of 1 indicates the presence of a gene and 0 indicates the absence for the gene in a particular group. } \usage{ getImat(x, pathlist, ms = 10) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{A matrix with no missing values; Each row represents a gene and each column represents a sample.} \item{pathlist}{ A list of gene sets. } \item{ms}{ The minimum gene set size. Gene sets containing less than this number of genes will be excluded from the analysis.} } \value{ An indicator matrix is returned. The matrix value is 1 (gene in) or 0 (gene out)} \author{ Sarah Song and Mik Black } \seealso{\code{\link{pcot2}},\code{\link{corplot}},\code{\link{corplot2}},\code{\link{aveProbe}}} \examples{ library(multtest) library(hu6800.db) data(golub) rownames(golub) <- golub.gnames[,3] colnames(golub) <- golub.cl KEGG.list <- as.list(hu6800PATH) imat <- getImat(golub, KEGG.list, ms=10) } \keyword{htest}