\name{NgsTilingPDInfoPkgSeed-class} \docType{class} \alias{NgsTilingPDInfoPkgSeed-class} \title{Class "NgsTilingPDInfoPkgSeed"} \description{PDInfo package Seed for NimbleGen Tiling arrays} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("NgsTilingPDInfoPkgSeed", ndfFile, xysFile, pairFile, posFile ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{ndfFile}:}{NDF (NimbleGen Design) file} \item{\code{xysFile}:}{XYS File - used as template} \item{\code{posFile}:}{POS (Positions) file} %% these are from PDInfoPkgSeed-class \item{\code{chipName}:}{Name of the chip or platform} \item{\code{manufacturer}:}{chip/platform manufacturer} \item{\code{url}:}{chip URL} \item{\code{genomebuild}:}{The genome build this platform is based upon.} \item{\code{organism}:}{ organism for chip. } \item{\code{species}:}{ species for chip. } \item{\code{version}:}{A character vector giving the version number of the package.} \item{\code{license}:}{The license of the package} \item{\code{author}:}{Author of the package} \item{\code{email}:}{An email address to use in the Maintainer field} \item{\code{biocViews}:}{Character data for the biocViews field of the DESCRIPTION file} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{makePdInfoPackage}{\code{signature(.Object = "NgsTilingPDInfoPkgSeed")}: ... } \item{chipName}{\code{signature(object = "NimbleGenPDInfoPkgSeed")}: ... } \item{getGeometry}{\code{signature(object = "NimbleGenPDInfoPkgSeed")}: ... } } } \examples{ showClass("NgsTilingPDInfoPkgSeed") } \keyword{classes}