\name{makePdInfoPackage} \alias{makePdInfoPackage} \alias{makePdInfoPackage,AffySNPPDInfoPkgSeed-method} \alias{makePdInfoPackage,AffySNPCNVPDInfoPkgSeed-method} \alias{makePdInfoPackage,AffyExpressionPDInfoPkgSeed-method} \alias{makePdInfoPackage,AffyTilingPDInfoPkgSeed-method} \alias{makePdInfoPackage,AffySTPDInfoPkgSeed-method} \alias{makePdInfoPackage,NgsExpressionPDInfoPkgSeed-method} \alias{makePdInfoPackage,NgsTilingPDInfoPkgSeed-method} \alias{makePdInfoPackage,AffyExonPDInfoPkgSeed-method} \alias{makePdInfoPackage,AffyGenePDInfoPkgSeed-method} \alias{makePdInfoPackage,AffySNPCNVPDInfoPkgSeed2-method} \alias{makePdInfoPackage,AffySNPPDInfoPkgSeed2-method} \title{Create a Platform Design Info Package} \description{ This generic function create a platform design info package based on the parameters contained in \code{object} which will generally be an instance of a subclass of \code{PkgSeed}. The result is a new directory on the filesystem containing the source for the generated pdInfo package. } \usage{ makePdInfoPackage(object, destDir, batch_size = 10000, quiet = FALSE, unlink = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{See \code{showMethods("makePdInfoPackage")} to see available methods.} \item{destDir}{Path where the resulting pdInfo package source directory will be written.} \item{batch_size}{An integer controlling the size of batches processed when reading the flatfiles and loading the DB. In general, larger values of \code{batch_size} will use more memory and less time (unless you exceed physical memory, in which case more time will be used as well).} \item{quiet}{A logical value. When \code{TRUE}, diagnostic and status messages are not printed.} \item{unlink}{A logical value. If 'TRUE', and 'destDir' already contains a file or directory with the name 'pkgname', try to unlink (remove) it.} } \details{ In general, creating the SQLite database will be a time and memory intensive task. } \value{ This function is called for its side-effect of producing a pdInfo source package directory. } \author{Seth Falcon} \examples{ cdfFile <- "Mapping250K_Nsp.cdf" csvAnno <- "Mapping250K_Nsp_annot.csv" csvSeq <- "Mapping250K_Nsp_probe_tab" \dontrun{ pkg <- new("AffySNPPDInfoPkgSeed", version="0.1.5", author="A.U. Thor", email="au@thor.net", biocViews="AnnotationData", genomebuild="NCBI Build 35, May 2004", cdfFile=cdfFile, csvAnnoFile=csvAnno, csvSeqFile=csvSeq) makePdInfoPackage(pkg, destDir=".") } } \keyword{methods}