\name{qpPlotNetwork} \alias{qpPlotNetwork} \title{ Plots a graph } \description{ Plots a graph using the \code{Rgraphviz} library } \usage{ qpPlotNetwork(g, vertexSubset=graph::nodes(g), boundary=FALSE, minimumSizeConnComp=2, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL, annotation=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{g}{graph to plot provided as a \code{graphNEL-class} object.} \item{vertexSubset}{subset of vertices that define the induced subgraph to be plotted.} \item{boundary}{flag set to \code{TRUE} when we wish that the subset specified in \code{vertexSubset} also includes the vertices connected to them; \code{FALSE} otherwise.} \item{minimumSizeConnComp}{minimum size of the connected components to be plotted.} \item{pairup.i}{subset of vertices to pair up with subset \code{pairup.j}.} \item{pairup.j}{subset of vertices to pair up with subset \code{pairup.i}.} \item{annotation}{name of an annotation package to transform gene identifiers into gene symbols when vertices correspond to genes.} } \details{ This function acts as a wrapper for the functionality provided by the \code{Rgraphviz} package to plot graphs in R. It should be help to plot networks obtained with the \code{qpgraph} package methods. } \value{ The plotted graph is invisibly returned as a \code{graphNEL-class} object. } \author{R. Castelo} \seealso{ \code{\link{qpGraph}} \code{\link{qpAnyGraph}} } \examples{ require(Rgraphviz) rndassociations <- qpUnifRndAssociation(10) g <- qpAnyGraph(abs(rndassociations), threshold=0.7, remove="below", return.type="graphNEL") qpPlotNetwork(g) } \keyword{models} \keyword{multivariate}