\name{qpTopPairs} \alias{qpTopPairs} \title{ Report pairs of variables } \description{ Report a top number of pairs of variables according to either an association measure and/or occurring in a given reference graph. } \usage{ qpTopPairs(measurementsMatrix=NULL, refGraph=NULL, n=6L, file=NULL, decreasing=FALSE, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL, annotation=NULL, fcOutput=NULL, fcOutput.na.rm=FALSE, digits=2) } \arguments{ \item{measurementsMatrix}{matrix containing the measure of association between all pairs of variables.} \item{refGraph}{a reference graph containing the pairs that should be reported and provided either as an adjacency matrix, a \code{graphNEL-class} object or a \code{graphAM-class} object.} \item{n}{number of pairs to report, 6 by default, use \code{Inf} for reporting all of them.} \item{file}{file name to dump the pairs information as tab-separated column text.} \item{decreasing}{logical; if TRUE then the measurements are employed to be ordered in decreasing order; if FALSE then in increasing order.} \item{pairup.i}{subset of vertices to pair up with subset \code{pairup.j}.} \item{pairup.j}{subset of vertices to pair up with subset \code{pairup.i}.} \item{annotation}{name of an annotation package to transform gene identifiers into gene symbols when variables correspond to genes.} \item{fcOutput}{output of \code{\link{qpFunctionalCoherence}}.} \item{fcOutput.na.rm}{flag set to TRUE when pairs with \code{NA} values from \code{fcOutput} should not be reported; \code{FALSE} (default) otherwise.} \item{digits}{number of decimal digits reported in the association measure and functional coherence values.} } \details{ The \code{measurementsMatrix} should be symmetric and may have also contain \code{NA} values which will not be taken into account. That is an alternative way to restricting the variable pairs with the parameters \code{pairup.i} and \code{pairup.j}. The same holds for \code{refGraph}. One of these two, should be specified. } \value{ The ranking of pairs is invisibly returned. } \author{R. Castelo} \seealso{ \code{\link{qpGraph}} \code{\link{qpPrecisionRecall}} \code{\link{qpFunctionalCoherence}} } \examples{ qpTopPairs(matrix(runif(100), nrow=10, dimnames=list(1:10,1:10))) } \keyword{models} \keyword{multivariate}