\name{rbsurv.default} \alias{rbsurv.default} \title{Robust likelihood-based survival modeling} \description{ This selects survival-associated genes with microarray data. } \usage{ \method{rbsurv}{default}(time, status, x, z=NULL, alpha=1, gene.ID=NULL, method="efron", n.iter=10, n.fold=3, n.seq=1, seed=1234, max.n.genes=nrow(x),...) } \arguments{ \item{time}{a vector for survival times} \item{status}{a vector for survival status, 0=censored, 1=event} \item{x}{a matrix for expression values (genes in rows, samples in columns)} \item{z}{a matrix for risk factors} \item{alpha}{significance level for evaluating risk factors; significant risk factors included with the alpha level if alpha < 1} \item{gene.ID}{a vector for gene IDs; if NULL, row numbers are assigned.} \item{method}{a character string specifying the method for tie handling. Choose one of "efron", "breslow", "exact". The default is "efron". If there are no tied death times all the methods are equivalent. } \item{n.iter}{the number of iterations for gene selection} \item{n.fold}{the number of partitions of samples} \item{n.seq}{the number of sequential runs or multiple models} \item{seed}{a seed for sample partitioning} \item{max.n.genes}{the maximum number of genes considered. If the number of the input genes is greater than the given number, it is reduced by fitting individual Cox models.} \item{...}{other arguments} } \value{ \item{model}{ survival-associated gene model} \item{n.genes}{number of genes} \item{n.samples}{number of samples} \item{method}{method for tie handling} \item{covariates}{covariates} \item{n.iter}{number of iterations for gene seletion} \item{n.fold}{number of partitions of samples} \item{n.seq}{number of sequential runs or multiple models} \item{gene.list}{a list of genes included in the models} } \references{ Cho,H., Yu,A., Kim,S., Kang,J., and Hong S-M. (2009). Robust likelihood-based survival modeling for microarray gene expression Data, \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, 29(1):1-16. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v29/i01/. } \author{ HyungJun Cho, Sukwoo Kim, Soo-heang Eo, and Jaewoo Kang } \seealso{ \code{\link{rbsurv}} } \keyword{models}