\name{NDplots} \alias{distrCOVPlot} \alias{distrSIPlot} \alias{distrCOVPlotg} \title{ Genomic plots based upon NucleotideDistr objects } \description{Various plots of genomic coverage for data from \code{NucleotideDistr} objects } \usage{ distrCOVPlot(nd,exps) distrSIPlot(nd, ex1, ex2, mi,minsup=5) } \arguments{ \item{nd}{ \code{NucleotideDistr} object } \item{exps}{ vectors of experiment numbers to plot } \item{ex1,ex2}{ experiment numbers to plot } \item{mi}{ threshold in the region mining algorithm } \item{minsup}{ minimal support - minimal length of the irreducible region found } } \author{ Michal Okoniewski, Anna Lesniewska } \examples{ data(sample_data_rnaSeqMap) rs <- rs.list[[1]] if (xmapConnected()) { nd.cov <- getCoverageFromRS(rs,1:6) distrSIPlot(nd.cov, 1,3, mi=5, minsup=10) } }