\name{buildDGEList} \alias{buildDGEList} \title{ buildDGEList - create DGEList (edgeR) } \description{Creates \code{DGEList} from the data in the database using the list of genes supplied - for further analysis with edgeR } \usage{ buildDGEList(genes,exps,conds=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{genes}{ vector of Ensembl gene IDs } \item{exps}{ vector of experiments } \item{conds}{ Vector of experimental condition descriptions for the samples } } \value{\code{DGEList} object filled with the data of gene-level counts of reads } \seealso{buildDESeq} \author{ Michal Okoniewski, Anna Lesniewska } \examples{ if (xmapConnected()) { data(sample_data_rnaSeqMap) gg <- names(rs.list) cds <- buildDGEList(gg,1:6, c("a","b","b","a","a","b")) } }