\name{getFCFromND} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{getFCFromND } \title{getFCFromND - calculating fold change of coverages } \description{This function calculates the fold change of two sample coverages from a \code{NucleotideDistr} objects. The coverages are assumed to be after logarithmic transformation, so the function basically subtracts the value and generates new \code{NucleotideDistr} object with a single vector of fold changes. } \usage{ getFCFromND(nd, exps) } \arguments{ \item{nd}{ \code{NucleotideDistr} object with coverages } \item{exps}{a pair of numbers of samples in the experiment } } \value{ \code{NucleotideDistr} object of type "FC" with a single vector of fold changes } \author{ Michal Okoniewski, Anna Lesniewska } \examples{ if (xmapConnected()) { rs <- newSeqReads(1,1,20000,1) rs <- addExperimentsToReadset(rs,1:3) nd.cov <- getCoverageFromRS(rs,1:3) nd.fc <- getFCFromND(nd.cov,c(1,3)) } }