\name{UCSCData-class} \docType{class} \alias{UCSCData-class} \alias{export.bed,UCSCData,ANY-method} \alias{export.bed15,UCSCData-method} \alias{export.gff,UCSCData,characterORconnection-method} \alias{export.ucsc,UCSCData,characterORconnection-method} \alias{initialize,UCSCData-method} \alias{show,UCSCData-method} \alias{coerce,RangedData,UCSCData-method} \title{Class "UCSCData"} \description{Each track in \acronym{UCSC} has an associated \code{\linkS4class{TrackLine}} that contains metadata on the track.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{trackLine}:}{Object of class \code{"TrackLine"} holding track metadata. } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{\link{export.bed}(object, con, variant = c("base", "bedGraph", "bed15"), color, trackLine = TRUE, ...)}}{ Exports the track and its track line (if \code{trackLine} is \code{TRUE}) to \code{con} in the Browser Extended Display (\acronym{BED}) format. The arguments in \code{...} are passed to \code{\link{export.ucsc}}. } \item{\code{\link{export.bed15}(object, con, expNames = NULL, ...)}}{ Exports the track and its track line (if \code{trackLine} is \code{TRUE}) to \code{con} in the Bed15 format. The data is taken from the columns named in \code{expNames}, which defaults to the \code{expNames} in the track line, if any, otherwise all column names. The arguments in \code{...} are passed to \code{\link{export.ucsc}}. } \item{\code{\link{export.gff}(object)}}{ Exports the track and its track line (as a comment) to \code{con} in the General Feature Format (\acronym{GFF}). } \item{\code{\link{export.ucsc}(object, con, subformat, ...)}}{ Exports the track and its track line to \code{con} in the \acronym{UCSC} meta-format. } \item{\code{as(object, "UCSCData")}}{Constructs a \code{UCSCData} from a \code{RangedData} instance, by adding a default track line and ensuring that the sequence/chromosome names are compliant with UCSC conventions. If there is a numeric score, the track line type is either "bedGraph" or "wig", depending on the feature density. Otherwise, "bed" is chosen. } } } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \seealso{ \code{\link{import}} and \code{\link{export}} for reading and writing tracks to and from connections (files), respectively. } \keyword{classes}