\name{import.gff} \alias{import.gff} \alias{import.gff,characterORconnection-method} \alias{import.gff1,ANY-method} \alias{import.gff2,ANY-method} \alias{import.gff3,ANY-method} \alias{import.wig,ANY-method} \alias{import.gff1} \alias{import.gff2} \alias{import.gff3} \alias{import.wig} \alias{import.bed} \alias{import.bed,connection-method} \alias{import.bed,character-method} \alias{import.bed15} \alias{import.bed15,ANY-method} \alias{import.bedGraph} \alias{import.bedGraph,ANY-method} \alias{import.ucsc} \alias{import.ucsc,characterORconnection-method} \alias{import.bw} \alias{import.bw,character-method} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Importing tracks } \description{ These are the functions for importing \code{\link[IRanges:RangedData-class]{RangedData}} instances from connections or text. } \usage{ import.gff(con, version = c("1", "2", "3"), genome = "hg18", asRangedData = TRUE) import.gff1(con, ...) import.gff2(con, ...) import.gff3(con, ...) import.bed(con, variant = c("base", "bedGraph", "bed15"), trackLine = TRUE, genome = "hg18", asRangedData = TRUE, ...) import.bed15(con, genome = "hg18", asRangedData = TRUE, ...) import.bedGraph(con, genome = "hg18", asRangedData = TRUE, ...) import.wig(con, genome = "hg18", asRangedData = TRUE, ...) import.ucsc(con, subformat = c("auto", "gff1", "wig", "bed", "bed15", "bedGraph"), drop = FALSE, asRangedData = TRUE, ...) ## not yet supported on Windows import.bw(con, selection = BigWigSelection(...), ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{con}{ The connection, filename or URL from which to receive the input. } \item{version}{ The version of \acronym{GFF} ("1", "2" or "3"). } \item{genome}{ The genome to set on the imported track. } \item{asRangedData}{ A logical value. If \code{TRUE}, a \linkS4class{RangedData} object is returned. If \code{FALSE}, a \linkS4class{GRanges} object is returned. } \item{variant}{ Variant of BED lines, not for the user. } \item{trackLine}{ Whether the \acronym{BED} data has a track line (it normally does though track lines are not mandatory). } \item{subformat}{ The expected subformat of the \acronym{UCSC} data. If "auto", automatic detection of the subformat is attempted. } \item{drop}{ If \code{TRUE} and there is only one track in the \acronym{UCSC} data, return the track instead of a list. } \item{selection}{ A \linkS4class{RangedSelection} object indicating the intervals to retrieve from a bigWig file. Note that this retrieval is very efficient, due to the indexing of the bigWig format. } \item{\dots}{For \code{import.gff1}, \code{import.gff2} and \code{import.gff3}: arguments to pass to \code{import.gff}. For \code{import.ucsc}: arguments to pass on to \code{import.subformat}. For the others, arguments to pass to methods.} } \value{ For all but \code{import.ucsc}, an instance of \code{\link[IRanges:RangedData-class]{RangedData}} (or one of its subclasses) or \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}} if \code{asRangedData} is \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} respectively. For \code{import.ucsc} when \code{drop} is \code{FALSE}, an instance of \code{\link[IRanges:RangedDataList-class]{RangedDataList}} or \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRangesList-class]{GRangesList}} if \code{asRangedData} is \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} respectively. } \references{ \describe{ \item{GFF1 and GFF2}{ \url{http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/formats/GFF} } \item{GFF3}{\url{http://www.sequenceontology.org/gff3.shtml}} \item{BED}{\url{http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/customTrack.html\#BED}} \item{WIG}{\url{http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/wiggle.html}} \item{UCSC}{\url{http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/customTrack.html}} } } \author{ Michael Lawrence and Patrick Aboyoun } \seealso{ \code{\link{import}} for the high-level interface to these routines. } \examples{ # import a GFF V2 file gffRD <- import.gff(system.file("tests", "v2.gff", package = "rtracklayer"), version = "2") gffGR <- import.gff(system.file("tests", "v2.gff", package = "rtracklayer"), version = "2", asRangedData = FALSE) # or gffRD <- import.gff2(system.file("tests", "v2.gff", package = "rtracklayer")) gffGR <- import.gff2(system.file("tests", "v2.gff", package = "rtracklayer"), asRangedData = FALSE) # import a WIG file wigRD <- import.wig(system.file("tests", "bed.wig", package = "rtracklayer")) wigGR <- import.wig(system.file("tests", "bed.wig", package = "rtracklayer"), asRangedData = FALSE) # or wigRD <- import.ucsc(system.file("tests", "bed.wig", package = "rtracklayer"), subformat = "wig", drop = TRUE) wigGR <- import.ucsc(system.file("tests", "bed.wig", package = "rtracklayer"), subformat = "wig", drop = TRUE, asRangedData = FALSE) # bigWig \dontrun{ bw <- import(system.file("tests", "test.bw", package = "rtracklayer"), ranges = GenomicRanges::GRanges("chr19", IRanges(1, 6e7))) } } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{IO}