\name{sage.test} \alias{sage.test} \title{Compare Two SAGE Libraries} \description{ Compute p-values for differential expression for each tag between two SAGE libraries. } \usage{ sage.test(x, y, n1=sum(x), n2=sum(y)) } \arguments{ \item{x}{integer vector giving counts in first library. Non-integer values are rounded to the nearest integer.} \item{y}{integer vector giving counts in second library. Non-integer values are rounded to the nearest integer.} \item{n1}{total number of tags in first library. Non-integer values are rounded to the nearest integer.} \item{n2}{total number of tags in second library. Non-integer values are rounded to the nearest integer.} } \details{ This function uses a binomial approximation to the Fisher Exact test for each tag. The approximation is accurate when \code{n1} and \code{n2} are large and \code{x} and \code{y} are small in comparison. } \value{ Numeric vector of p-values. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{ \code{\link[stats]{fisher.test}} } \examples{ library(sagenhaft) sage.test(c(0,5,10),c(0,30,50),n1=10000,n2=15000) # Exact equivalents fisher.test(matrix(c(0,0,10000-0,15000-0),2,2))$p.value fisher.test(matrix(c(5,30,10000-5,15000-30),2,2))$p.value fisher.test(matrix(c(10,50,10000-10,15000-50),2,2))$p.value } \keyword{htest}