\name{spkAll} \alias{spkAll} \title{Spike-in Functions Wrapper} \description{ A wrapper for the functions contained in the spkTools package, which calls each function. } \usage{ spkAll(object, label, model=expr~spike+probe+array, fc=NULL, tol=3, xrngs=NULL, yrngs=NULL, cuts=c(.6,.99), potQuantile=.995, gnn=c(25,100,10000), pch=".", output="eps") } \arguments{ \item{object}{a SpikeInExpressionSet object} \item{label}{a character string to insert into the graphs and tables produced} \item{model}{model to be passed to spkAnova} \item{fc}{the fold change for which fold change plots will be produced} \item{tol}{the number of digits after the decimal point in fc} \item{xrngs}{ranges for the x-axis of each plot. d=density, s=slope, v=box, m=M vs A} \item{yrngs}{ranges for the y-axis of each plot. d=density, s=slope, v=box, m=M vs A} \item{cuts}{quantiles used to make the low, medium, and high bins} \item{potQuantile}{the desired quantile to compute the probability of being above} \item{gnn}{a vector of 3 numbers passed to spkGNN: the desired number of true positives, the number of truly expressed genes, and the number of truly unexpressed genes} \item{pch}{plotting point to be used in spkSlope} \item{output}{the format in which to save the plots produced. Options are "pdf" and "eps"} } \value{ The full complement of plots and tables described in the vignette are created and saved in the current working directory. } \author{Matthew N. McCall} \examples{ data(affy) spkAll(affy, label="affy", fc=2) } \keyword{hplot} \keyword{manip}