\name{spkGNN} \alias{spkGNN} \title{Genes Needed to Detect N True Positives} \description{ Computes the number of genes one would need to consider to obtain a given number of truly positive genes if one considered genes in order of decreasing observed fold change. } \usage{ spkGNN(n, n.expr, n.unexpr, AccuracySlope, AccuracySD, nullfc) } \arguments{ \item{n}{the desired number of true positives} \item{n.expr}{the actual number of truly expressed genes} \item{n.unexpr}{the actual number of truly unexpressed genes} \item{AccuracySlope}{the signal detect slope from the spkSlope function} \item{AccuracySD}{the standard deviation of the signal detect slope from the spkAccSD function} \item{nullfc}{a vector of null fold changes from the spkBox function} } \value{ This function returns the expected number of genes one would have to consider to obtain N true positives under the given conditions. } \author{Matthew N. McCall} \examples{ data(affy) spkSlopeOut <- spkSlope(affy) spkBoxOut <- spkBox(affy, spkSlopeOut, fc=2) AccuracySlope <- round(spkSlopeOut$slope[-1], digits=2) AccuracySD <- round(spkAccSD(affy, spkSlopeOut), digits=2) spkGNN(n=25, n.expr=100, n.unexpr=10000, AccuracySlope[2], AccuracySD[2], spkBoxOut[[2]]) } \keyword{manip}