\name{exfdr} \alias{exfdr} \title{ Example of twilight result } \docType{data} \description{ Application of function \code{twilight} on twilight object \code{data(expval)}. The function call was \code{exfdr <- twilight(expval,B=1000)}. } \usage{data(exfdr)} \format{A twilight object.} \references{ Scheid S and Spang R (2004): A stochastic downhill search algorithm for estimating the local false discovery rate, \emph{IEEE TCBB} \bold{1(3)}, 98--108. Scheid S and Spang R (2005): twilight; a Bioconductor package for estimating the local false discovery rate, \emph{Bioinformatics} \bold{21(12)}, 2921--2922. Scheid S and Spang R (2006): Permutation filtering: A novel concept for significance analysis of large-scale genomic data, in: Apostolico A, Guerra C, Istrail S, Pevzner P, and Waterman M (Eds.): \emph{Research in Computational Molecular Biology: 10th Annual International Conference, Proceedings of RECOMB 2006, Venice, Italy, April 2-5, 2006}. Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 3909, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 338-347. } \keyword{datasets}