\name{absent-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{absent} \alias{absent,xcmsSet-method} \alias{present} \alias{present,xcmsSet-method} \title{Determine which peaks are absent / present in a sample class} \description{ Determine which peaks are absent / present in a sample class } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{object = "xcmsSet"}{ \code{ absent(object, ...) present(object, ...) } } }} \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{\link{xcmsSet-class}} object} \item{class}{Name of a sample class from \code{\link{sampclass}}} \item{minfrac}{ minimum fraction of samples necessary in the class to be absent/present } } \details{ Determine which peaks are absent / present in a sample class The functions treat peaks that are only present because of \code{\link{fillPeaks}} correctly, i.e. does not count them as present. } \value{ An logical vector with the same length as \code{nrow(groups(object))}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{group}} \code{\link{diffreport}} } \keyword{methods}