\name{xmapcore.utils} \alias{xmapcore.utils} \alias{xmap.clear.cache} \alias{xmap.connect} \alias{xmap.disconnect} \alias{xmap.toggle.caching} \alias{xmap.gene.plot} \title{ xmapcore \'utils\' functions } \description{ Functions to connect to the database and manage the database connections. } \usage{ xmap.connect( name ) xmap.disconnect() xmap.toggle.caching() xmap.clear.cache() xmap.gene.plot( genes, style=c( 'real', 'stacked', 'jointed', 'injointed' ), rect.func=.default.plotter ) } \arguments{ \item{name}{ The name of the database to connect to. } \item{genes}{ A vector of Gene Names, or a RangedData object returned from another xmapcore call } \item{style}{ The style of graph you require } \item{rect.func}{ For each transcript in the gene, this will be called and passed a data.frame containing gene, transcript, exon, and rectangle data for you to do your own drawing } } \details{ \code{xmap.connect} is used to establish a connection to an instance of the X:Map database, and \code{xmap.disconnect} closes the connection. Many of the functions in \code{xmapcore} cache results locally. The function \code{xmap.toggle.caching} turns this functionality on and off, and \code{xmap.clear.cache} can be used to clear the cache (this is not normally something a user needs to do). Note that details of how to set up the default databases, connection details, etc. Can be found in the package vignette. } \seealso{ \code{\link{xmapcore.to}}\cr \code{\link{xmapcore.details}}\cr \code{\link{xmapcore.all}}\cr \code{\link{xmapcore.range}}\cr \code{\link{xmapcore.filters}}\cr } \author{ Tim Yates Crispin J. Miller } \examples{ if(interactive()) { xmap.connect() xmap.toggle.caching() xmap.toggle.caching() #NOTE: since the next function empties out the local cache, don't #run it unless you want to do this! #xmap.clear.cache() } }