\name{yaqc.summary} \alias{yaqc.summary} \alias{summary,YAQCStats} \alias{summary,YAQCStats-method} \alias{summary,YAQCStats,missing-method} \title{Summarizes YAQCStats object outliers} \description{ Generates a data frame of QC outliers. } \usage{yaqc.summary(YAQCStatsObject,latex)} \arguments{ \item{YAQCStatsObject}{an object of class \code{"YAQCStats"}.} \item{latex}{logical value. If 'TRUE', the data frame is returned as a latex table.} } \details{ The outliers of the \code{YAQCStatsObject} quality control metrics are summerized and returned as a data frame. The internal probe (bioB, bioC and bioD) and poly-A controls (dap, thr, phe and lys) are summerized in two rows. If \code{latex} is set to 'TRUE', the data frame is returned as a latex table (requires the \code{xtable} library). Note: not tested if the YAQCStatsObject has been generated with an Expression Set objects. } \examples{ ## load data library(affydata) data(Dilution) ## create the yaqc object ## and plot it qobj <- yaqc(Dilution) summary(qobj) } \author{Laurent Gatto} \keyword{misc}