CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0.0 ------------------------ o New Bioconductor LaTeX Style. See package vignettes for details. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.8.0 ------------------------ o R Markdown templates for Bioconductor HTML and PDF documents o Suggest 'rmarkdown' as the default engine for .Rmd documents o Simplified use with 'rmarkdown' - no need to include a separate code chunk calling 'BiocStyle::markdown' anymore o Functions facilitating the inclusion of document compilation date and package version in the .Rmd document header CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Support for markdown documents o Add \Githubpkg markup command CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Remove dependency on 'helvet' LaTeX package to allow for the same font both in Sweave and knitr o Improve package vignette by adding paragraphs about building vignettes and using bibliography o knitr chunk_opts error=FALSE by default, so failures during vignette processing are signaled to R CMD build and R CMD check o Name-mangle \comment mark-up to avoid conflicts with other LaTeX styles o Introduce \bioctitle to allow for full and short (header) titles o Add BiocStyle::latex option 'use.unsrturl=TRUE' to use the 'unsrturl' bibliography style by default BUG FIXES o Avoid use of 'titling' LaTeX package to circumvent the conflict w/ \footnote in \author CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Rename \Rpkg{} as \CRANpkg{} to reflect functionality BUG FIXES o Avoid option conflict with \usepackage{colors}