v0.99.9: - Added CITATION file, extended some examples v0.99.8: - Include UpSet plots (Lex et al, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2014) v0.99.7: - Allow linewidth to be set, add Venn diagrams based on rank cutoffs v0.99.5: - Updated documentation v0.99.4: - Expanded tests, added experimental function to reorder factor levels before plotting v0.99.3: - Bug fixes v0.99.2: - Fixed replacement methods for COBRAPlot class v0.99.1: - Removed benchmarkR dependence v0.3.13: - Adapted package for Bioconductor submission v0.3.11: - Renamed to iCOBRA v0.3.9: - Improved constructors v0.3.8: - Added check for duplicated feature IDs v0.3.7: - Fixed bug causing problems for Venn diagrams if only one method is available - Included information texts in app v0.3.5: - Simplified constructors v0.3.4: - Modified calculation of overlaps v0.3.2: - Added unit tests v0.3.1: - Updated information messages in app v0.3.0: - Bug fixes in app - Addition of small example data set - Addition of information banners to app v0.2.0: - Added deviation plot - Bug fixes