CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.1 ------------------------- OTHER NOTES o Changed format of the NEWS file CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 ------------------------- OTHER NOTES o Ready for submission to Bioconductor CHANGES IN VERSION 0.9.0 ------------------------- OTHER NOTES o Added TravisCI integration for both branches o Added appveyor integration - plus badges in the o Code cleanup o Added screenshots for the vignette o Removed some lengthy tests CHANGES IN VERSION 0.8.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Selection of identifier type available in pca2go OTHER NOTES o MIT license o Added TravisCI integration o Added codecov integration o Enhanced documentation BUG FIXES o Couple of layout fixes CHANGES IN VERSION 0.7.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Vignette full draft done CHANGES IN VERSION 0.6.4 ------------------------- OTHER NOTES o Updated NEWS file CHANGES IN VERSION 0.6.3 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o About and Instructions done by now o Added some missing details on the documentations CHANGES IN VERSION 0.6.2 ------------------------- OTHER NOTES o Corrected wordings for (cor)relations of principal components with covariates o Added a couple of checks if correct objects are provided CHANGES IN VERSION 0.6.1 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added function to remove selected samples suspected to be deemed as outliers, in order to see the effect of clustering on the good ones CHANGES IN VERSION 0.6.0 ------------------------- OTHER NOTES o Documentation completed o Examples fully working, cleaned up further a little more. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.0 ------------------------- OTHER NOTES o Further steps in direction of R CMD check CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added pca2go live functionality CHANGES IN VERSION 0.3.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added color palette to choose, and dependent on the samples and factors available/selected CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Multifactorial exploration completed and adaptable to each dataset CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Restyling and (re)packaging mostly completed