Result ====== Result - Functional error handling ala Rust. SYNOPSIS ======== ```perl6 use Result; use Result::Imports; sub schrödinger-roulette(Str $cat-name --> Result) { given (0, 1).pick { when 0 { OK "{ $ } is alive!", :type(Str) } when 1 { Error( "{ $ } is no more." ) } } } # dispatching errors without throwing given schrödinger-roulette("Dutches") { when Result::OK { say .value } when Result::Err { say "Oh no! { .error } Let's give it another go..."; } } # throw on errors schrödinger-roulette("O'Mally") .ok("Perhaps we shouldn't be playing this game...") .say; ``` The first call may either say the returned `Str` or say the returned error. The Second call will either say the returned `Str` or through an exception with the error returned from the function combined with the error provided in `ok` method. DESCRIPTION =========== Result is inspired by Rust's Result enum. It provides an error management framework similar to Perl6's Failures, but with stricter semantics. This is by no means a one to one port, but it does attempt to provide the core essentials of this pattern. With the Result patttern, all values returned from a function are a Result type, either an OK or an Err. To obtain the value returned by the function you can choose to dispatch the error yourself or call the ok(Str) method. The ok(Str) method simply returns the value if it is called on a Result::OK object. However if it is called on a Result::Err object the error will be thrown. The message passed via ok(Str) method and the message from the Result::Err will be included in the Exception, providing both function and call specific error messages. The value of a Result::OK message may have a type check applied to it. If there is a violation of the constraint an exception will be thrown. AUTHOR ====== Sam Gillespie COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2017 Sam Gillespie This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.