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\medskip It loads the following packages and libraries : \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{tikz} with \Cle{calc} with the tikzlibraries \Cle{calc} and \Cle{shapes.geometric} ; \item \texttt{pgf} and \texttt{pgffor} ; \item \texttt{xstring}, \texttt{xparse}, \texttt{simplekv} and \texttt{listofitems}. \end{itemize} \subsection{The package itself} The idea is to, thanks to \TikZ, propose commands or environments to display a Scrabble\texttrademark{} board : \begin{itemize} \item \textit{independent} ; \item in an \textit{environment} with words. \end{itemize} \begin{PresentationCode}{listing only} %independent command for the empty board \ScrabbleBoard[keys] %environment with word(s) \begin{EnvScrabble}[keys] \ScrabblePutWord[orientation]{word}{coordinates of the beginning cell} \end{EnvScrabble} \end{PresentationCode} \subsection{Languages} The \textsf{commands}, \textsf{environments} et \textsf{keys} are in english, but cells can be displayed in : \begin{itemize} \item english (code ISO 639-1 EN) ; \item french (code ISO 639-1 FR) ; \item german (code ISO 639-1 DE) ; \item spanish (code ISO 639-1 ES). \end{itemize} \pagebreak \section{Commands, keys and options} \subsection{The board, standalone} The first argument, \textit{optional}, between \texttt{<...>} is the \Cle{langage} of the display, form the list : \hfill\Cle{EN} (english, default), \Cle{FR} (french), \Cle{DE} (german) et \Cle{ES} (spanish).\hfill~ \smallskip The second argument, \textit{optional}, between \texttt{[...]} give the \Cle{keys} : \begin{itemize} \item \Cle{Scale} for the display (the initial unit is 1~cm) ; \hfill~default : \Cle{1} \item \Cle{ScaleLabels} for the cell's names ; \hfill~défaut : \Cle{1} \item the boolean \Cle{Border} pour print a border outside the board ; \hfill~default : \Cle{true} \item the boolean \Cle{Labels} to print \textit{names} of the special cells ;\hfill~default : \Cle{true} \item the boolean \Cle{Help} pour print numbers to reperate th cells ;\hfill~default : \Cle{false} \end{itemize} \begin{PresentationCode}{} \ScrabbleBoard[Labels=false,Scale=0.55]\\ %board without cell's names \ScrabbleBoard[Scale=0.55,Border=false] %board in spanish, without border \end{PresentationCode} \newpage \subsection{The board with words} Here we can use the \textsf{environment} with the specific \textsf{command} in order to print words on the board. \smallskip For the \textit{environment}, the options are the same as for the independent \textsf{command} ! \smallskip For putting word on the board : \begin{itemize} \item the first argument, \textit{optional}, between \texttt{[...]} is the orientation of the word, \Cle{H} (by default) or \Cle{V} ; \item the second argument, \textit{mandatory}, between \texttt{\{...\}}, is the word, with uppercase or lowercase letters ; \item the last argument, \textit{mandatory}, between \texttt{\{...\}}, is the coordinates of the first cell for fisrt lettre (the cell \texttt{(1,1)} is south-west corner). \end{itemize} \textbf{Observation 1 :} the chosen language will display the right points in the til ! \smallskip \textbf{Observation 2 :} the \textit{white} (or \textit{joker}) is coded by the character \texttt{*}. \begin{PresentationCode}{} \begin{EnvScrabble}[Scale=0.75,Labels=false,Help] \ScrabblePutWord{TIKZ}{1,13} \ScrabblePutWord[V]{pstricks}{1,15} \ScrabblePutWord[V]{KaTeX}{3,13} \ScrabblePutWord{cleveref}{1,10} \ScrabblePutWord[V]{METAPOST}{7,11} \ScrabblePutWord{LUALATEX}{5,8} \ScrabblePutWord[V]{ProfLy*ee}{11,15} \ScrabblePutWord{PROFCOLLE*E}{1,1} \ScrabblePutWord{SYNTAX}{7,5} \ScrabblePutWord[V]{STRIN*}{10,6} \end{EnvScrabble} \end{PresentationCode} \begin{PresentationCode}{} \begin{EnvScrabble}[Scale=0.55] \ScrabblePutWord{tikz}{1,13} \ScrabblePutWord[V]{PSTRiCKS}{1,15} \draw (7,15) node[font=\LARGE\sffamily] {English version} ; \end{EnvScrabble}~~~ \begin{EnvScrabble}[Scale=0.55] \ScrabblePutWord{tikz}{1,13} \ScrabblePutWord[V]{PSTRiCKS}{1,15} \draw (7,15) node[font=\LARGE\sffamily] {French version} ; \end{EnvScrabble}\\ \begin{EnvScrabble}[Scale=0.55] \ScrabblePutWord{tikz}{1,13} \ScrabblePutWord[V]{PSTRiCKS}{1,15} \draw (7,15) node[font=\LARGE\sffamily] {German version} ; \end{EnvScrabble}~~~ \begin{EnvScrabble}[Scale=0.55] \ScrabblePutWord{LaTeX}{1,14} \ScrabblePutWord[V]{Madrid}{2,15} \draw (7,15) node[font=\LARGE\sffamily] {Spanish version} ; \end{EnvScrabble} \end{PresentationCode} \newpage \subsection{\textit{Inline} word} The idea is to propose a command to insert a word in \textit{online} mode, with automatic adjustment of size and position. \begin{PresentationCode}{listing only} %command to put inline word \ScrabbleWord[keys]{word} \end{PresentationCode} The first argument, \textit{optional}, between \texttt{[...]} allows you to configure the \Cle{keys}: \begin{itemize} \item \Cle{Colback} for the color of the pieces ; \hfill~default: \Cle{yellow!40} \item \Cle{Font} for the font ; \hfill~default: \Cle{\textbackslash bfseries\textbackslash sffamily} \item \Cle{Colfonte} for the color of the characters ; \hfill~default: \Cle{black} \item \Cle{Lang} to choose the language (for the number of points) ; \hfill~default: \Cle{EN} \item \Cle{Offset} to specify horizontal spacing between pieces ; \hfill~default: \Cle{0.1pt} \item \Cle{Scale} to specify a base scale for texts ; \hfill~default: \Cle{0.6} \item \Cle{Score} which is a boolean to display the score of each piece. \hfill~default: \Cle{true} \end{itemize} \textbf{Note 1 :} the code is responsible for positioning the pieces for \textit{satisfactory} alignment and scaling based on the active font. \smallskip \textbf{Note 2 :} the \textit{blank} (or \textit{wildcard}) is obtained by the character \texttt{*}. \begin{PresentationCode}{} Online Scrabble word test positioning \ScrabbleWord{TE*ST} to see ! \end{PresentationCode} \begin{PresentationCode}{} {\Huge\sffamily Test positioning \ScrabbleWord[Colback=teal!5,Colfonte=orange]{PYTHAG*RE} to see !} \end{PresentationCode} \begin{PresentationCode}{} \scalebox{3}[3]{Positioning \ScrabbleWord[Lang=DE,Font=\ttfamily,Scale=0.75]{PYTHAG*RE} to see !} \end{PresentationCode} \begin{PresentationCode}{} {\LARGE Test positioning \ScrabbleWord[Score=false,Offset=1pt,Colback=orange!50]{PSTRICKS} to see !} \end{PresentationCode} \newpage \subsection{Special letters} It is possible to use special characters, for the languages \textsf{} and \textsf{}, but for compatibility reasons, special characters are \textit{coded} by numbers : \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{0} code the letter \fbox{\"O} with 8 points ; \item \texttt{1} code the letter \fbox{\"A} with 6 points ; \item \texttt{4} code the letter \fbox{\"U} with 6 points ; \item \texttt{6} code the \textit{letter} \fbox{CH} with 5 points ; \item \texttt{7} code the letter \fbox{\~{N}} with 8 points ; \item \texttt{8} code the \textit{letter} \fbox{RR} with 8 points ; \item \texttt{9} code the \textit{letter} \fbox{LL} with 8 points. \end{itemize} \begin{PresentationCode}{} {\Huge \ScrabbleWord[Lang=DE,Font=\ttfamily,Scale=0.75]{104AAA}} {\Huge \ScrabbleWord[Lang=ES,Font=\sffamily,Scale=0.75]{RO7OSO689}} \end{PresentationCode} \newpage \part*{History} \verb|v0.1.6|~:~~~~Bugfix with \textit{joker} ; enhancements for \textsf{} board \verb|v0.1.5|~:~~~~Special letters for \textsf{} and \textsf{} \verb|v0.1.4|~:~~~~Command to insert \textit{inline} words \verb|v0.1.3|~:~~~~Words in uppercase or lowercase, adjusted codes for language (ISO 639-1) \verb|v0.1.2|~:~~~~Key \textsf{} to modify scale of the cell's names \verb|v0.1 |~:~~~~Initial version \end{document}