%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % atrans.sty % transcription module for ArabTeX % ZDMG Transcription % Encyclopedia of Islam Transcription % Modern Turkish Transcription % Urdu Transcription % Uighuric Transcription % 14.06.2003 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % (c) Klaus Lagally % Institut fuer Formale Methoden der Informatik % Universitaet Stuttgart %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Additional Transcription Modes for Farsi: % Encyclopedia Iranica [Standard Farsi] % Farsi [Modified Encyclopedia Iranica] % Lazard [Philological: Gilbert Lazard, etc.] % (c) Adrian Rezus [adriaan@{sci,cs}.kun.nl]: Nijmegen, Nederland % 21.12.95 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifx \transatcode \undefined \chardef \transatcode = \catcode`\@ \catcode`\@ = 11 \a@ident {atrans.sty} {3.11 generate the transliteration } {14.06.2003} \else \xpa \endinput \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \let \a@hyp \- \let \a@macron \= \let \a@acute \' \let \a@grave \` \gdef \a@trans #1>{% transcribe word \iftest@trans \tracingmacros=1 \iftest@scan \else \a@verb (#1)>\fi\fi {\if@was \@vocaltrue \else \@vocalfalse \fi \let \- \a@hyp \let \= \a@macron \let \' \a@acute \let \` \a@grave \def \tr@act {-}% \tr@aword #1|||>>% \if@vocal \global \@wastrue \else \global \@wasfalse \fi }% \iftest@trans \tracingmacros=0 \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newif \if@vocal \newif \ifc@p \gdef \tr@@aword #1{% transcribe rest of word \let \tr@old \tr@act \def \tr@act {#1}% \case #1\of { >{\@gobble } \cap {\c@ptrue \tr@aword } % |"^\a@e{\tr@aword } |"^{\tr@aword } -{-\tr@aword } XlEeQ{\csname tr@@\string #1\endcsname } \a@a NUW{\setc@p #1\kill@alif } P{\tr@P \tr@aword } aiu{\tr@wasla #1} \a@Ze{\xpa\tr@aword \tr@old } \default {\@vocalfalse \ifcat \nxp #1-#1\else \setc@p #1% \fi \tr@aword } }\endcase } \def \setc@p #1{% capitalize if needed \xpa\ifx \xpa\relax \csname tr@\string #1\endcsname \tr@@ \else \ifc@p \xxxpa\uppercase \xxpa{\csname tr@\string #1\endcsname }\c@pfalse \else \csname tr@\string #1\endcsname \fi\fi } \def \@gobble #1{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \kill@alif #1{% delete alif or waw after N, U, W, _a \case #1\of { aAIYU{\tr@aword } \default {\tr@aword #1} }\endcase } \gdef \tr@wasla #1{% initial vowel, Arabic \ifiz@fet \@vocalfalse \fi \ifu@gh \@vocalfalse \fi \ifh@mza \if@vocal '\else \setc@p #1\fi \else \setc@p #1\fi \@vocaltrue \tr@aword } \gdef \tr@vowel #1{% vowel \setc@p #1\@vocaltrue \tr@aword } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \sp@cw@w #1#2{% handle w after _h (Persian) specially \def \next {\tr@aword #2}\@vocalfalse \ifiz@fet \ifx #2w#1\let\next\tr@aword \fi\fi \next } \gdef \putw@w {\sp@cw@w w } % w after _h (Persian): normal \gdef \killw@w {\sp@cw@w {}} % w after _h (Persian): delete \gdef \superv@w {\sp@cw@w {$^v\!$}}% w after _h (Persian): super v \gdef \superw@w {\sp@cw@w {$^w\!$}}% w after _h (Persian): super w %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \tr@@l #1{% test assimilation after l \ifx #1-\def \next {\tr@@la }\else \setc@p l\def \next {\tr@aword #1}% \fi \@vocalfalse \next } \gdef \tr@@la #1#2{% test assimilation after l- \case #1\of { Q{\setc@p l-\tr@Q \tr@aword } % l - Q x -> l - ' #2{\tr@aword #1-#2} % l - x x -> x - x \cap {\tr@@lb #2} % l - \cap x \default {\setc@p l-\tr@aword #1#2} }\endcase } \gdef \tr@@lb #1#2{% test assimilation after l-\cap \case #1\of { #2{\tr@aword #1-\cap #2} % l - \cap x x -> x - \cap x \default {\setc@p l-\tr@aword \cap #1#2} }\endcase } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \x@s #1{\oalign{#1\crcr\hidewidth \sh@ft{34}% accent for _h \vbox to -.2ex {\hbox{\char'25}\vss}\hidewidth}} \gdef \x@x #1{\oalign{#1\crcr\hidewidth \sh@ft{29}% accent for .s in Urdu \vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char'177}\vss}\hidewidth}} \def \ish@ft #1{\dimen\z@.00#1ex\multiply\dimen\z@\fontdimen1\font \kern.0156\dimen\z@} % positive kern for slant \def \rsh@ft #1#2{\ish@ft{#1}#2\sh@ft{#1}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \tr@def #1#2{% define \tr@#1 as {#2} \xpa \gdef \csname tr@\string #1\endcsname {#2}} \def \tr@cap #1{\ifc@p \uppercase {#1}\else #1\fi } \def \tr@ng {\tr@cap ng} \def \tr@ny {\tr@cap ny} \def \tr@kh {\tr@cap kh} \def \tr@th {\tr@cap th} \def \tr@dh {\tr@cap dh} \def \tr@bh {\tr@cap bh} \def \tr@ph {\tr@cap ph} \def \tr@zh {\tr@cap zh} \def \tr@sh {\tr@cap sh} \def \tr@ch {\tr@cap ch} \def \tr@gh {\tr@cap gh} \def \tr@af {\tr@cap {\'d}h} \def \tr@ag {\tr@cap {\'t}h} \def \tr@aj {\tr@cap {\v{c}}h} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 \gdef \tr@zdmg {% define character macros for transliteration %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \let \specw@w \killw@w % special handling of w after .h in Farsi \gdef \tr@@e ##1{% test for ee -> ey \ifx ##1e\def \next {\setc@p e\tr@aword y}\else \def \next {\setc@p e\tr@aword ##1}\fi \next} \gdef \tr@@E ##1{% test for Ee -> ey \ifx ##1e\def \next {\setc@p e\tr@aword y}\else \def \next {\setc@p E\tr@aword ##1}\fi \next} \gdef \tr@@Q ##1{\tr@Q \def \next {\tr@aword ##1}% \ifh@mza \let \next \tr@aword \fi \next } \gdef \tr@@X {\setc@p X\specw@w } \gdef \tr@@ {{$\bullet $}}% substitute for illegal characters \gdef \tr@a {a\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@b {b} \gdef \tr@c {c} \gdef \tr@d {d} \gdef \tr@e {e\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@f {f} \gdef \tr@g {g} \gdef \tr@h {h} \gdef \tr@i {i\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@j {\v{z}} \gdef \tr@k {k} \gdef \tr@l {l} \gdef \tr@m {m} \gdef \tr@n {n} \gdef \tr@o {o\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@p {p} \gdef \tr@q {q} \gdef \tr@r {r} \gdef \tr@s {s} \gdef \tr@t {t} \gdef \tr@u {u\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@v {v} \gdef \tr@w {w} \gdef \tr@x {\v{s}} \gdef \tr@y {y} \gdef \tr@z {z} \gdef \tr@A {\=a\-\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@B {} \gdef \tr@C {\b{t}} \gdef \tr@D {\d{d}} \gdef \tr@E {\=e\-\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@F {\b{d}} \gdef \tr@G {\v{g}} \gdef \tr@H {\d{h}} \gdef \tr@I {\ifc@p\=I\else\=\i\fi\-\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@J {\v{c}} \gdef \tr@K {\~n} \gdef \tr@L {y} \gdef \tr@M {\tr@ny} \gdef \tr@N {n\@vocalfalse } \gdef \tr@O {\=o\-\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@P {\rsh@ft{07}{\ifc@p \raise .2ex \hbox {$\lhook $}\kern-.1em \else \kern-.05em$\lhook$\kern-.05em\fi }\@vocalfalse } \gdef \tr@Q {\rsh@ft{07}{\ifc@p \raise .2ex \hbox {$\rhook $}\kern-.1em \else \kern-.05em$\rhook$\kern-.05em\fi }\@vocalfalse } \gdef \tr@R {\.g} \gdef \tr@S {\d{s}} \gdef \tr@T {t} \gdef \tr@U {\=u\-\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@V {\d{t}} \gdef \tr@W {w\@vocalfalse } \gdef \tr@X {\x@s{h}} \gdef \tr@Y {\=a\-\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@Z {\d{z}} \tr@def \a@a {\=a\-\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@b {\d{b}} \tr@def \a@c {\'c} \tr@def \a@d {\'d} \tr@def \a@e {\'d} \tr@def \a@f {\d{f}} \tr@def \a@g {g} \tr@def \a@h {h} \tr@def \a@i {\ifc@p\=I\else\=\i\fi\-\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@j {\ifc@p\"I\else\"\i\fi\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@k {\ifs@nd \tr@kh\else k\fi } \tr@def \a@l {\~l} \tr@def \a@m {k} \tr@def \a@n {\d{n}} \tr@def \a@o {u\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@p {\tr@ng} \tr@def \a@q {\'r} \tr@def \a@r {\'r} \tr@def \a@s {\'s} \tr@def \a@t {\'t} \tr@def \a@u {\=u\-\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@v {\'t} \tr@def \a@w {{u}\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@x {v} \tr@def \a@y {y} \tr@def \a@z {\'z} \tr@def \a@A {e\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@B {\tr@@ } \tr@def \a@C {\'c} \tr@def \a@D {\'{d}} \tr@def \a@E {\ifk@rd\v{e}\else\={e}\fi\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@F {f} \tr@def \a@G {\'c} \tr@def \a@H {h} \tr@def \a@I {\ifc@p\"J\else\"\j\fi } \tr@def \a@J {\.g} \tr@def \a@K {\d{k}} \tr@def \a@L {k} \tr@def \a@M {k} \tr@def \a@N {\d{n}} \tr@def \a@O {o\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@P {\={u}\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@Q {q} \tr@def \a@R {\.r} \tr@def \a@S {\'s} \tr@def \a@T {\tr@ag} \tr@def \a@U {u\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@V {v} \tr@def \a@W {o} \tr@def \a@X {w} \tr@def \a@Y {\=e\-} \tr@def \a@Z {\'s} \tr@def \a@aa {a\@vocaltrue } % Uighuric alif \tr@def \a@ab {\x@x{b}} \tr@def \a@ac {\tr@th} \tr@def \a@ad {\tr@dh} \tr@def \a@ae {\x@x{d}} \tr@def \a@af {\tr@af} \tr@def \a@ag {\~{n}} \tr@def \a@ah {\"{\j}} \tr@def \a@aj {\v{c}h} \tr@def \a@ak {\x@x{g}} \tr@def \a@al {\x@x{n}} \tr@def \a@an {\'{n}} \tr@def \a@ap {\tr@bh} \tr@def \a@aq {\tr@ph} \tr@def \a@ar {\'{r}} \tr@def \a@at {\'{t}} \tr@def \a@au {w} % Uighuric waw with roof \tr@def \a@ax {k} \tr@def \a@aA {\'{d}} \tr@def \a@aJ {s} % sin with 3 dots below \tr@def \a@Zz {\d{\b{d}}} % .z, Palestinian, coded .Z \tr@def \a@aO {\d{\b{d}}} % .z, Palestinian, coded .Z, (for test only) \gdef \tr@aword {\tr@@aword }\global \tr@nstrue }% end \tr@zdmg }% catcodes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 \catcode `\~=10 \gdef \tr@encislam {% define Enc. of Islam transliteration %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \tr@zdmg \let \@ub \underbar \let \specw@w \killw@w % special handling of w after .h in Farsi \def \tr@j {\@ub{\tr@zh}} \def \tr@x {\@ub{\tr@sh}} \def \tr@C {\@ub{\tr@th}} \def \tr@F {\@ub{\tr@dh}} \def \tr@G {j} \def \tr@J {\@ub{\tr@ch}} \def \tr@R {\@ub{\tr@gh}} \def \tr@X {\@ub{\tr@kh}} %\def \tr@q {\d{k}} % variant qaf; uncomment if required %\def \tr@P {$^c$} % variant `ain; uncomment if required \a@message {Encyclopedia~of~Islam~transliteration.}}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 \catcode `\~=10 \gdef \tr@turk {% define character macros for modern Turkish %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \tr@zdmg \let \specw@w \putw@w % no special handling of w after .h in Farsi \gdef \tr@e {e\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@q {k} \gdef \tr@w {v} \gdef \tr@x {\c{s}} \gdef \tr@A {\^a\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@E {\^e\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@G {c} \gdef \tr@H {h} \gdef \tr@I {\^{\i}\@vocaltrue} \gdef \tr@J {\c{c}} \gdef \tr@K {n} \gdef \tr@O {\^o\@vocaltrue } \gdef \tr@P {\-} \gdef \tr@R {g} \gdef \tr@S {s} \gdef \tr@T {t} \gdef \tr@U {\^u\@vocaltrue \kill@alif } \gdef \tr@V {t} \gdef \tr@Z {z} \tr@def \a@j {\i\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@m {\u{g}} \tr@def \a@w {{\"u}\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@A {\"a\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@H {} \tr@def \a@I {{\i}\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@J {\u{g}} \tr@def \a@L {g} \tr@def \a@M {n} \tr@def \a@O {\"o\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@P {\"o\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@Q {q} \tr@def \a@U {\"u\@vocaltrue } \tr@def \a@V {v} \catcode `\ =10 \a@message {modern~Turkish~transliteration.}}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Specific definitions for Persian: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 \catcode `\~=10 \gdef \tr@enciran {% Encyclopaedia Iranica transliteration %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \tr@zdmg % start with default and modify \let \specw@w \superv@w % special handling of w after .h in Farsi \gdef\tr@w{v\@vocalfalse} % EIran = Lazard <> ZDMG \gdef\tr@W{v\@vocalfalse} % EIran = Lazard <> ZDMG \gdef\tr@G{\v{\j}\@vocalfalse} % EIran = Lazard <> ZDMG \gdef\tr@D{\.{z}\@vocalfalse} % EIran = Lazard <> ZDMG \gdef\tr@C{\b{s}\@vocalfalse} % EIran <> Lazard <> ZDMG \gdef\tr@F{\b{z}\@vocalfalse} % EIran <> Lazard <> ZDMG \gdef\tr@R{\={g}\@vocalfalse} % EIran <> Lazard <> ZDMG \gdef\tr@X{\b{k}} % EIran <> Lazard <> ZDMG \tr@def\a@H{} % EIran = Lazard <> ZDMG \a@message {Encyclopaedia~Iranica~transliteration.}}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 \catcode `\~=10 \gdef \tr@farsi {% Modified Encyclopaedia Iranica transliteration %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \tr@enciran % start with default and modify \let \specw@w \superv@w % special handling of w after .h in Farsi \gdef\tr@R{\.{g}\@vocalfalse} % ZDMG = Persian \gdef\tr@X{x} % Lazard = Persian \tr@def\a@H{$\hbar\!$} % Persian <> EIran = nil \a@message {Modified~Encyclopaedia~Iranica~transliteration.}}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 \gdef \tr@lazard {% Philological Farsi transliteration; cf., e.g., % Gilbert Lazard % "La langue des plus anciens documents de la prose persane" % (Paris: Cl. Klincksieck 1963). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \tr@enciran % start with default and modify \let \specw@w \superv@w % special handling of w after .h in Farsi \gdef\tr@C{\b{s}\@vocalfalse} % Lazard <> EIran \gdef\tr@C{$\theta\!$\@vocalfalse} % Lazard <> EIran \gdef\tr@F{$\delta\!$\@vocalfalse} % Lazard <> EIran <> ZDMG \gdef\tr@R{$\gamma\!$\@vocalfalse} % Lazard <> EIran <> ZDMG \gdef\tr@X{x} % Lazard <> EIran <> ZDMG \a@message {Philological~Farsi~transliteration.}}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 \catcode `\~=10 \gdef \tr@urdu {% define Urdu transliteration %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \tr@zdmg \let \specw@w \killw@w % special handling of w after .h in Farsi \gdef \tr@j {\.{z}} \gdef \tr@x {\'{s}} \gdef \tr@C {\x@x{s}} \gdef \tr@D {\b{z}} \gdef \tr@F {\d{z}} \gdef \tr@G {j} \gdef \tr@H {\b{h}} \gdef \tr@J {c} \gdef \tr@O {o\-\@vocaltrue} \gdef \tr@S {\b{s}} \gdef \tr@T {t} \gdef \tr@V {\x@x{t}} \gdef \tr@X {x} \gdef \tr@Z {\x@x{z}} \tr@def \a@d {\d{d}} \tr@def \a@r {\d{r}} \tr@def \a@t {\d{t}} \tr@def \a@H {} \a@message {Urdu~transliteration.}}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 \catcode `\~=10 \gdef \tr@kash {% define Kashmiri transliteration %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \tr@zdmg \let \@ub \underbar \let \specw@w \putw@w % no special handling of w after .h \gdef \tr@j {ts} \gdef \tr@x {\'{s}} \gdef \tr@C {\b{s}} \gdef \tr@D {\x@x{z}} \gdef \tr@F {\b{z}} \gdef \tr@G {j} \gdef \tr@H {\d{h}} \gdef \tr@J {c} \gdef \tr@R {\@ub{\tr@gh}} \gdef \tr@S {\d{s}} \gdef \tr@T {t} \gdef \tr@V {\b{t}} \gdef \tr@X {\@ub{\tr@kh}} \gdef \tr@Z {\d{z}} \tr@def \a@d {\d{d}} \tr@def \a@r {\d{r}} \tr@def \a@t {\d{t}} \tr@def \a@Za {\d{a}} \tr@def \a@ZA {\d{\=a}} \tr@def \a@Zo {\d{o}} \tr@def \a@ZO {\d{\=o}} \tr@def \a@Zu {u'} \tr@def \a@ZU {\=u'} \tr@def \a@ZI {\.y} \a@message {Kashmiri~transliteration.}}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 \catcode `\~=10 \gdef \tr@uigh {% define Uighuric transliteration %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \tr@zdmg \gdef \tr@a {a} \gdef \tr@e {e} \gdef \tr@i {i} \gdef \tr@j {j} \gdef \tr@o {o} \gdef \tr@u {u} \gdef \tr@G {\v{g}} \gdef \tr@X {x} \gdef \tr@Y {} \tr@def \a@A {\"a} \tr@def \a@O {\"o} \tr@def \a@U {\"u} \tr@def \a@X {v} \a@message {Uyghuric~transliteration.}}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 \catcode `\~=10 \gdef \tr@uighe {% define Uighuric English transliteration %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \tr@zdmg \let \@ub \underbar \gdef \tr@a {a} \gdef \tr@e {e} \gdef \tr@i {i} \gdef \tr@j {\@ub{\tr@zh}} \gdef \tr@o {o} \gdef \tr@u {u} \gdef \tr@x {\@ub{\tr@sh}} \gdef \tr@G {j} \gdef \tr@J {\@ub{\tr@ch}} \gdef \tr@K {\@ub{\tr@ng}} \gdef \tr@R {\@ub{\tr@gh}} \gdef \tr@X {\@ub{\tr@kh}} \gdef \tr@Y {} \tr@def \a@A {\"a} \tr@def \a@O {\"o} \tr@def \a@U {\"u} \tr@def \a@X {v} \a@message {Uyghuric~English~transliteration.}}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \settrans #1{% switch the transliteration \lowercase {\def \tr@code {#1}\begingroup \def \tr@lookup ##1#1##2##3\@@ {\endgroup ##2}% \xpa \tr@lookup \tr@table #1\tr@default \@@ }% \let \tr@oldcode \tr@code } \def \tr@table {% table of transliterations standard\tr@standard zdmg\tr@standard english\tr@encislam turk\tr@turk urdu\tr@urdu iranica\tr@enciran farsi\tr@farsi lazard\tr@lazard kashmiri\tr@kash uighur\tr@uigh uighure\tr@uighe } \def \tr@standard {% standard transliteration \ifx \tr@code \tr@oldcode \else \tr@zdmg \a@message {ZDMG transliteration.}\fi } \def \tr@default {% unknown transliteration \tr@zdmg \message {unknown transliteration `\tr@code'}% \a@message {ZDMG transliteration is assumed.}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \let \tr@oldcode \tr@code \settrans {zdmg} % default %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \catcode`\@ = \transatcode \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EOF %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%